I just said it's likely because consumers will buy the inferior but cheaper thing far more often than the superior but more expensive thing.
I just said it's likely because consumers will buy the inferior but cheaper thing far more often than the superior but more expensive thing.
Using bluetooth you can detect proximity fairly easily by analyzing changes in signal strength. Ironically it's the exact same idea as RFID, but RFID is implicit.
A flat cell could keep a bluetooth 4 device going for ages, it's low energy by design. so you could even do the whole sticker thing if you insisted and they'd only have a minimal bulge in the middle.
RFID makes me sad, why aren't people adopting the superior bluetooth 4.0? It's ever the same usb wins over firewire, vhs over betamax, blueray over hddvd, likely usb over thunderbolt too.
I love everything in that kitchen but the range hood.
So I'd be paying $40 more before adding another phone, that's crap.
Can't you just invert the screen colors at night?
Gotta disagree, windows does everything in it's power to avoid being simple or easy to use. Just look at how many buttons are there at any given time even in metro, most of which you will never use.
That's why I use the default apps when available, notes opens and is ready to take notes, reminders likewise. It's also why I'm a command line guy, string together a pipeline of a dozen or so simple utilities and boom you just accomplished hours of work in a heartbeat.
I was brought up on windows (18 years). 5 minutes with a posix system and I couldn't believe how terrible all the computers I'd ever used had been. I've been on both sides of the fence so I'm pretty sure my loathing of Windows is justified.
They're waiting behind the revolving WE NEED COPYRIGHT PROTECTING BILLS: PIRACY OMFG! KILLITWITHFIRE!!! door that still hasn't been nuked from orbit.
Because Android is crap and windows phone completely fucks over its customers every two years.
I use it all the time with my whole family, and my fiancee and her family, it's truly great. And I'm not military nor a parent or grandparent.
Or android.
Maybe, but since it's a hexcore developer rig with ram and GHz to spare I am still surprised that Microsoft's OS and antivirus were able to bring it to its knees during a routine update that takes milliseconds on my mac.
Holy crap, I had the misfortune to be using a Windows box today, and naturally I updated Firefox. It takes forever to update on a box with antivirus! No wonder people bitch about the frequent updates, if you have to wait 5 minutes and have your computer lock up completely four times to update your software.
My degree in computer science would allay that statement. It's just broken at a fundamental level, and needs to be tossed.
If you want to talk about retarded software there's a certain robot themed OS that doesn't make any god damned sense to anyone.
old school radios and walkie talkies are great for this.