I think I have superpowers. I cancelled Netflix last night and made sure to cite Masterson as the reason why. Next morning, he’s fired!
I think I have superpowers. I cancelled Netflix last night and made sure to cite Masterson as the reason why. Next morning, he’s fired!
Bravo. You seem like quite the erudite and empathetic person.
Sure, Bryan. You’re a multi-millionaire who can hire all the help in the world, but sure, let’s pretend you needed to spoon-feed chicken soup to your sick parent. *cough*diddler*cough*
“wibbly wobbly, timey wimey” (a phrase that non-Who fans probably wish could be eradicated from existence)
Hari Kondabolu doesn’t care fuck-all about Asian representation. He’s pulling a Trump and attacking someone else for publicity. (Not unlike how you have globbed onto a more popular comment just to get your own attention.) Every character on The Simpsons is a caricature, no matter their race, gender, religion, or…
The Root’s cynical math: Taylor Swift headline = pageclicks.
This “health issue,” we’re all agreed that it’s unstoppable panic attacks at the thought of Singer’s Hollywood boy-raping spreed coming to light, right?
Yeah, Hari’s tweet pretty much reveals that this is a personal vendetta for him, not something he’s approached out of genuine concern.
The beauty of right-to-work, eh? Meanwhile, shut your fascie-defending idiot face, maybe.
Those are some small hands, tho!
A hobby? Like yours, going online into the comment sections of every article with “Bernie” or “Hillary” in the headline to slob all over Bernie’s knob at every opportunity? No thanks. You should get an identity that isn’t wrapped up in some dusty old politician you’ve probably never met before.
I know just as much as you do, that he’s lived off of taxpayers for 30+ years now with nothing to show for it but a few post offices and a legacy that includes voting against the Amber Alert system and dumping nuclear waste on poor Hispanics. He won’t get my vote in 2020.
No, the stupid voters went for Bernie, which puts THEM in the minority.
There were dozens of coin tosses in caucus states, and Bernie won his fair share too, you know. Yet another reason to replace undemocratic caucuses with primaries.
Bernie supporters don’t get to accuse anyone else of following a cult of personality. Not after that bird-podium shit.
Bernie’s massive ego precludes him being anyone else’s VP. This is a vanity project for him, nothing more.
Looks like Heath already burned you down on said Crime Bill