
Younger voters always support “Free,” and “Free” is exactly the prefix that Bernie added to every policy proposal. It’s hardly scientific to wonder why the people with the lease amount of income would gravitate towards the politician promising the most, all at a cost of nothing to them.

Actions speak louder than words, and Sanders often tried to use “signing statements” to excuse his more vile votes. He had “reasons” for voting against the Amber Alert system, just like he had “reasons” for sending Vermont nuclear waste down to Texas at the expense of poor Hispanic communities there.

Bernie voted for the 1994 Crime Bill that neohippies tried to hang on HRC’s neck. She was villified and he got a pass. A more glaring example of misogyny from “the Left” has never been witnessed on this earth.

Tulsi Gabbard is a homophobic racist Republican. Fuck her and anyone who endorses her.

You are human tennis elbow.

100% projection on your part, clown.

If you’re too stupid to learn how to register, maybe you shouldn’t be voting?

“Shut up, black people, us white people need more money” wasn’t the winning message he thought it would be.

Bernie Sanders wrote off minorities and women, all to chase the racist sexist white vote. That’s why he lost by millions and millions and millions of votes.

You want a former Republican who voted for Reagan twice, as the Democratic nominee? You clownin’, son!

one of those openings was filled by a true progressive

And then you tried to reply to him 3 times to provoke a response? Classic trollage, troll!

You are one loser asshat, you know that?

Take this weak-ass shit elsewhere, man.

Ms Callahan, your job is “Glorified Tweet Curator.” STFU and stay in your lane.

Because he directed two obvious-diminishing-returns Batman Begins sequels solely for the money, I suppose that makes him an expert on this topic, huh?

Bernie sycophants whining about circular firing squads have no one to blame but themselves. You all fired the first shorts, remember? “Neoliberal corporatist shills” ring a bell? That was your opening bid, FFS. How dumb can you get?

Socialism is for the people, not the socialist.

You know what, fuck you. None of this “We have real white supremacists attacking POC in the streets, a white nationalist in office” shit was enough to get Bernie’s supporters to act civil during and after the primary. You assholes went to the convention and booed every woman and minority on stage. You booed the First

The Senate is still in session. WTF is he doing on the talk show circuit??