Introducing a bill that won’t even get a vote is a meaningless gesture, nothing but cliched virtue-signalling.
Introducing a bill that won’t even get a vote is a meaningless gesture, nothing but cliched virtue-signalling.
¿Por qué, porque los seguidores de Sanders como tú tienen el monopolio del odio? ¿Cómo se dice “Síndrome de Derangement de Clinton” en español?
Go ahead, throw your vote away.
That has always bothered me. Clinton at the time was First Lady. Was she supposed to be out campaigning against her husband, the President? In context, her “support” for the bill is pretty simple. Sanders? He had so much more agency with his vote than Clinton did with her support, and he still willingly voted “Yes.” AN…
I’m sure “Kaya” is a
FBKremlin regular.
“Some people think that the people who voted for Trump are racists and sexists and homophobes and deplorable folks. I don’t agree, because I’ve been there,” Sanders said.
Not to mention, how often are brown children treated like adults by school security, local police, or their community’s court system? Black kids don’t get to “pull pranks” and get away with it. No, they get prosecuted, and so should these dumbass embarrassments to humanity, regardless of their age.
A messy bitch who lives for drama. Wendy, we see you.
In other news, petty-as-shit blogger Yesha Callahan is still not on TV, anywhere.
Saoirse Ronan is 23 forking years old, playing a 17-year-old? FFS, Hollywood, do better.
You believed that shit? JFC, that’s sad.
The only difference now is that the media doesn’t have to play along with Fox in order to kneecap Hillary Clinton any more.
The hate for kelly is
sexistbased on her years of spinning lies professionally for Fox News.
driving the speed limit would not have saved their lives
vir·tue sig·nal·ing
I think that you’re so addicted to blaming some “Other” for all the world’s problems to inspire your fellow neohippies into misplaced anger that you don’t even recognize how you use “neo-lib” as a slur. The Horseshoe Theory of politics rings true: Your side is more like fringe conservatives in manners and demeanor…
Holy shit, your brainless usage of “neo-lib” is so reflexive, you don’t even notice it any more? JFC...
You should continue to call the people you expect to come over to your side more names, since it’s clearly working so well so far.
Your mom is a bad candidate, you ignorant fuckface.
That douchcanoe said that Jesus would have voted for Trump. Fuck him.