Congrats on the dumbest hot take. What they “intend[ed]” is irrelevant next to the actual outcome: a man is dead.
Congrats on the dumbest hot take. What they “intend[ed]” is irrelevant next to the actual outcome: a man is dead.
How about Pussy Riot breaks up with the alt-right boyfriends first, before trying to lecture anyone else about “rising up.” “Rise up” out of your fucking dumpster-fire of a relationship, maybe.
Justin Fairfax was not endorsed by the union group that funded the material that featured Northam and Herring. That, and that alone, is why Fairfax was not featured.
More rational than any mangle word-salad that spewed forth from Cornel West’s snaggle-toothed mouth in 2016.
Snore. Virtue signalling neohippie.
You don’t got anything to say other than whining and bitching.
Implying that what you believe in makes you better is the most cuntish form of virtue signalling one can exhibit. It’s like fucking textbook cuntism.
Nah, the common ground between the two is more “If only these minorities and women and gays would just shut up, us white men could get back to being in charge.” Your time is over; the world has moved on. Your tears about it are just entertainment at this point.
Like how the Horseshoe Theory of politics puts leftists closer to the alt-right than liberalism?
Nina Turner is an unprofessional child who has no place in politics.
You, sir or madam, ARE bullshit.
If you’re an example of a progressive ally, go home. No one wants you.
Nina Turner erased herself by being a toxic narcissist.
Performance art. This man moved out of diverse New York and chose a 94% white community instead.
Every villain is the hero of their own story. Virtue-signalling doesn’t make you better than anyone else.
How do more people not see that Bernie’s policies are nothing but reheated Reaganism??
Idiot. Half of those “independents” lean conservative. What exactly are you going to team up with them to accomplish?
Cornell “People should vote for Jill Stein” West? That asshole? Fuck him, and fuck anyone who cites him.
You have better chances of flapping your arms and flying than you do getting members of the Church of Sandersology to admit there’s more to the world than what exists inside their tiny bubble.
or you dump toxic shit in minority communities to save a few dollars, then you do it.