Funny how the people calling for “new blood” are so up in arms when they’re the ones being replaced. Progressive hypocrisy continues to be their Achilles Heel.
Funny how the people calling for “new blood” are so up in arms when they’re the ones being replaced. Progressive hypocrisy continues to be their Achilles Heel.
What is not “progressive” about a DREAMer or a young black trans activist? Where did your myopic definition of “progressive” come from if they’re excluded?
Always easy to spot the shitheels early; they’re the ones still using the term “neoliberal” as if it means anything. Congrats, shitheel!
Yeah, but that was the conclusion of Spider-Man: Homecoming too.
Add some girls and those boys won’t have any trouble pitching tents, I’d wager.
I agree, your comment does look like empty-headed opportunism.
Rich parents explains everything about them.
Fuck Ken Bone with a big rubber dick. And then break it off in there and beat him to death with the rest of it.
All I can say is that no one has accused Spike Lee of beating off into potted plants.
41 years old and he wants to play the victim. Pfft.
Because the possibility that a black woman could be a dangerous drunk driver is too far out to believe? That’s some bullshit you’re peddling right there.
Ugh. People like you are the problem, not the solution.
Out of my high school friends since 1998, one still uses his AOL email address. He’s in shock at today’s news.
the allure of Blade Runner—and Dick’s writing in general—is how it belies the promise of technological utopia that’s been floated by so much science fiction
Pretty cruel to mention Rosario and then not even have her make an appearance, show.
Those holes are designed for flaccid members.
Sad truth: all that money will never fix those chicken legs of his.
So... he just lets his friends play around with his service weapon? How does that not violate police policy??
Name one who won a single championship with a whole-ass human being living inside them. I’ll wait.
“Allegedly.” Kind of like how we have to take your anecdotal word that you were a radio news anchor? Yeah, just like that.