Even her choice of words is tone-deaf. “There are those who defend the 2nd Amendment...” Defend it from what, the concept of the importance of human life??
Even her choice of words is tone-deaf. “There are those who defend the 2nd Amendment...” Defend it from what, the concept of the importance of human life??
That’s two instance of “...the white people of...” headlines in one week. Maybe try a different style of clickbait?
Seems like a support dog would actually be good for someone as emotionally broken as you.
I’m not surprised that some people can’t see dogs as anything other than things to make fight each other in some basement somewhere.
It’s not about “dog hate,” it’s more about Two Minutes Hate. Michael Harriot holds up that which must be despised (which changes daily), and the audience must obey. It’s some real 1984 shit going on in this space. It’s the non-grey comments on these articles that suck the worst, IMO.
I’m confused, are people not allowed to like two different and unrelated things now? What kind of fucking moron buys artisanal cat litter?
We, at The Root are often accused of lying. It never turns out to be true.
Well, there was this whole “election” thing back in November, where black Americans could have kept voting at Obama-era levels and prevented Trump. But they didn’t.
Rick & Morty is basically a sitcom version of a Poe’s Law violation.
Perfect meme application here. 10/10
Holy shit, THIS. So much this. VB is one of my favorite shows ever, but seriously, those dudes need someone to keep them on a production schedule already.
What is the importance of 14 vs 10 in the overall scheme of things? Are 4 extra episodes going to cause some kind of significant change? Just push for 10 solid episodes if that’s what it takes.
So you’re a moron and a psychic? Impressive.
Yeah, the guy with the undisputed biggest movie in American history is “jealous.” Why not use your site there to toss up the numbers for Avatar? Or Titanic?
File under ‘Yeah, but he’s not wrong.” All the men in the movie spend the entire movie going ‘Durr, she’s purty!” over and over, as if Diana was the first woman they’d ever seen in their lives. Aside from the Amazons, the other women in the film were either evil or fat (and the evil woman still got to be thin, while…
Is Bernie manspreading in that last Tweet?
You overestimate the impact of your criticism after being exposed as a giant hypocrite. Bye, Felicia.
I’m cool as a cucumber. You’re the one losing his shit over someone else’s opinion. And the author of this article drew a direct line between the line and the NFL protests. DERP on you.
You lost me at Chevy Chase.