

Harry Knowles kind of looks like that human version of Bender from Futurama’s Anthology’s of Interest II (I, Meatbag).

Those rural locations vote Republican. Fuck ‘em.

I waffle on it sometimes because I get exhausted skipping forward for 8 minutes through the commercials.

My friends and family discuss NCIS all the time. Our derision of it is limitless.

Two of them are having a secretive sexual relationship, of course, and another is little more than “the mean one” at this point.

A year ago we were talking about Charles Kinsey, the black man who was shot with his arms raised while trying to assist an autistic patient at a group home where Kinsey worked as a behavioral therapist. Get your bitch ass out of here with that motherfucking nonsense. This issue has been going on for way more than “at

Well, we can’t all call our opponents “pompous tit[s]” like you do, Ed. Need some help out of the mud back onto your high horse?

Sure, let’s pretend that the authors are free to write what they want and not assigned topics for which they’re expected to produce content able to be posted to the site here. While we’re at it, let’s also pretend that comic book companies don’t spend money on marketing at sites just like this.

I swear, sometimes it’s like these articles are written expressly to provoke an outraged response in the comments.

Captain America’s reputation is soiled and his evil counterpart is still alive. Maybe folks like you just don’t recognize “consequences” when they see them? And yeah, DC confines these type of stories to its alternate universes, but where are the “consequences” there? Again, nothing but double standards going on right

Can we get a solid verdict on whether fascism in comics is bad or not? We’ve seen io9 shit all over Marvel for it, but celebrate DC for it too. Is some consistency across sister-sites too much to ask?

Jesus Fucking Christ, I miss Disqus’ Block User feature. And it’s “Holy shit,” not “wholly,” you ignorant fuckface. Not spelling words correctly when you’re calling someone else dumb just proves what a stupid troll you are.

Aww, snowflake need a safe space? Go find a dick and suck on it.

Welcome to another game of “Stupid or Liar.”

I don’t know why the fuck people act like TNG didn’t come along and raise the standard for what the franchise was capable of. It’s as if people like you don’t even know who Gene Roddenberry was, or what he stood for, or what he was expressing through his shows.

Hey Nong Man!!!

A Trek parody, really. Everyone who takes over Trek these days seems to be tripping over themselves to add more guns and armor and “action.” That’s not Star Trek, at least not exclusively.