
Sad news: Rome died. Now we get to evolve language however we want.

Man, I loved Don Rickles. Everything he was in, everything he did, guaranteed his audience some laughter and entertainment. A true showman to the end. Very few comics have the balls to do what Don Rickles did every day.

but it was merely a happy coincidence that on the day NFL players across the league took a knee during the national anthem that Rick said, “I’m not taking a knee, suck my dick.”

I’m aware of their race and careers. What is the connection to Rick & Morty?

Worf may have lived on the ship, but he wasn’t the captain.

Among all of the amazing music featured in Luke Cake, Bradley was a standout. I remember hearing his song for the first time when I watched and started dancing in my seat while it was on.

The Defiant is a ship. Enjoy being wrong.

What’s the connection there again?

Serious question: Do you think we’d still be dealing with these issues if Rick and Morty were not white characters?

White people need a tattoo intervention.

Sisko was a captain too, you filthy heathens.

There’s no need to bring Michael Caine into this. The man’s a treasure.

For Christ’s sake, some of you place your ketchup in cabinets and not fridges, like decent members of society.

I watched the whole gif thinking “If this doesn’t include Picard, I’m gonna riot.” Glad to see he wasn’t missed.

Strange then that Helm mentions Comey’s actions during the 2016 election exactly zero times in this article. She goes from him being hired by Obama to being fired by Trump as if nothing in the middle happened.

I suspect is has more to do with the same reason that all CBS shows get high ratings: nursing home TVs that never change channels.

You really included Kanye? Thanks for the laughs!

Amber Ruffin is my current comedian crush. Her work on Late Night has been consistently amazing.

Way to go all “condescending asshole” at the end there. Small wonder that socialists have trouble finding allies for their cause: Most people don’t like self-righteous dickheads like you talking down to them. Based on your ignorance, I suspected you were a troll. All you’ve done is confirm it.