It’s just hilarious to see know-nothings like you try to imply that a woman who began her legal career fighting for school access for minority children in South Carolina is somehow “racist.”
It’s just hilarious to see know-nothings like you try to imply that a woman who began her legal career fighting for school access for minority children in South Carolina is somehow “racist.”
You clearly don’t know what a political base is. The base votes for the party NO MATTER WHAT. That’s a “base” of voters. Bernie’s outsiders and malcontents were never, are not, and will never be the base of the Democratic Party. That’s a lie people like you tell themselves to convince themselves they are the most…
Bernie’s cult began the primary with cries of “Neoliberal corporate shills!” For them to cry now about name-calling just exposes how pathetic and hypocritical they really are.
If you don’t want to be called sexist, then maybe don’t act sexist. They booed EVERY female speaker at the Democratic Convention. Every one. AND most of the black and Latinx speakers too! They tried to shout down First Lady Michelle Obama!! Need a reminder?
Bullshit. There are zero emails before May 2016 (after Bernie was mathematically eliminated from the nomination) that mention any coordination with the Clinton campaign. And at that point, the DNC was just doing its job of helping the nominee prepare for the general election.
I particularly like the part where she compares Bernie to the “7 minute abs” guy from There’s Something About Mary. Clinton would propose a policy, and then Bernie would come along with the “7 minute abs” magic version that did Clinton’s plan and more, but somehow for less money and a quicker timeline, zero details.
IDK, i just rewatched as well, and all of Ted Danson’s scenes alone or musing on his Architect role still apply when you get to the second half of the season. Those scenes just don’t take place from the perspective you originally believe them to be taking place.
Not much coming from SyFy to make me change my mind about never watching their drek. Krypton? I passed on this show back when it was called Caprica. Moar Tremors? Holy cow, I can’t think of a more useless dead franchise to try to resuscitate. Something else from George RR Martin? Uh, no, once bitten, twice shy, thanks…
Elizabeth Warren was a Republican into her mid-40s because she preferred their approach to “regulating markets.” (I’d like some of what she was smoking back then, apparently.) She refuses to this day to answer whether or not she voted for Ronald Reagan. TWICE. I don’t see Warren as the answer to the question of the…
The shelf-life of snark, South Park’s bread and butter, is very limited.
SHough is a white male liberal from the coast, by his own admission. But someone at The Root follows him, so everyone can “enjoy” his little antics like this.
Dark Matter’s cancellation is exactly why I don’t start watching new SyFy shows: the brand name is terrible and untrustworthy. IDK how many people still recall Farscape’s early cancellation on a cliff-hanger ending, but I do. I always will, while it seems that SyFy wants to forget completely and make the same…
Buh-bye, BigotBro! Say hi to all the other self-righteous know-it-all Dirtbag Leftists for me!
Honestly, I have not heard anything funnier this week than DC trying to establish their superhero movies as “classy” and awards-worthy. They couldn’t even build a basic cinematic universe, even with Marvel doing the heavy lifting and showing everyone how it’s done. What makes them think their track record with…
Yeah, that’s my point. You’ve gone too far to the left and have looped back around to right-wing positions. You’re on the wrong side of the spectrum now, and the kind of people who support your “Racism’s OK, if it was done by an anti-banker” idiocy are not the future of this country.
My evidence is your previous comments. You’re willing to defend Andrew Jackson, a well-known racist, because he “fought the big banks” or some such neohippie bullshit. Your rhetoric sounds like Bernie Sanders, who has also called for less focus on “identity politics” and more focus on economic solutions that will…
Damien Chazelle: Sit Your Jazz Down!
Thanks for your comment, Projectiontang. Too bad it’s really more about you than me.
Just last night, while I was getting a haircut, my stylist was talking to her co-worker, and the subject of Harry Potter came up. She then leaned down and said to me, “Sorry if this conversation sounds weird, we’re just such Harry Potter fans.” And I said, “Me too.” Even though we were 13 years apart in age, the…