
1) Obvious BernieBro is obvious.

Endless Legend is better than Civilization VI.

Endless Legend is better than Civilization VI.

Try not endorsing racists because you share an economic outlook. Something tells me you’re one of those BernieBros who called southern blacks “low-information voters” during the primary because they didn’t back Bernie.

Mahershala Ali was so good on Luke Cage, it was a legitimate crime when his character left the series! This is shaping up to be the one season of True Detective that looks interesting.

Watch out now. There will be racists who jump in to defend Jackson by claiming that he “fought the big banks” and that’s enough reason to leave him on our money. There is no reason to keep racists on our money. There is nothing any racist could have done elsewhere in their life or career that would excuse their

Every time I see a picture of him, the phrase “anthropomorphic wormface” comes to mind.

When you have to make stuff up and hang it on people that shows you lack an argument.

Nah, you’re pretty clear about wanting to align yourself with KKKers if they support your fantasy of “taking down the big banks.” You’re scum, plain and simple.

You’re “progressing” towards trying to work with the racist white working class because you think it will make you richer. People like you are regressive, despite the lies you tell yourself. DIAF

In Miles’ world, black people must wait for handouts from white liberal saviors.

Shut up, you ignorant fucking BernieBro!

Miles Archer is a perfect example of the Dirt bag Left. There is no one, not slavers, racists, or other typically right-wing forces, with which they won’t align themselves if it means attacking banks and business. Idiots, in other words.

When Flash premiered, it was a very good show. Not any more. When Legends premiered, it was a very bad show. Not any more (from what I hear; that first season turned me off the show forever.) So both shows have been arguably terrific and terrible throughout their runs so far..

Sadly, I can’t tell which example you’re putting up as good or bad.

I’m more concerned that there are apparently consumers out there who will pay $400 for a high schooler’s “signature shoe.” Who buys this garbage??

She stood out at FOX News because she was what passed for ethical and thoughtful there.

If it weren’t for The Good Place, I’d never watch anything on NBC at this point.

It’s even worse in the books, where pretty much everyone eventually gets a visit from the Future Fairy.

Counterpoint: Everything Michael Harriot has ever written for The Root.

Bran can warg into people, which was a very unexpected side of that power. While a dragon may feel extremely different from other animals or people, it should be theoretically possible.