
That picture of the Paltrow statue is going to haunt my nightmares for years to come.

ROFLMAO, you just violated Danth’s Law.

Tl;dr. I proved my case, while all you did was type more nothing based on more useless anecdotes. You brought up gang members, not me. 

So the waitress has to prove that Kendall didn’t tip in cash.

In 2005, the Army was paying for GED courses for the high school dropouts it was recruiting, where before the lack of a high school diploma was a barrier to entry. Please stop pretending, without anything to back you up but your feels, that the military only accepts the best and brightest. I’ve posted multiple

I’m more concerned with how Manafort’s pro-Russian ally Tad Devine became Bernie’s campaign manager. Would Russia have had an army of BernieBros to manipulate online with fake news if Tad Devine hadn’t convinced Bernie to run in the first place?

Exactly. It will be the discrepancies between what he had at home and what he turned over that do Manafort in now. The cover-up is always worse than the crime.

Just for clarification: the Watergate investigation that took down Richard Nixon took 2 years to complete. 2 years! And that was before the abomination of the 24-hour news cycle. I believe that Trump will ultimately get what’s coming to him, but it’s not going to be as fast and easy as some people expect. And we all

Because after her sister was robbed, she’s rocking a fat moneyroll? No.

Not this one:

Baby’s claimed that Kenner didn’t tip and had a receipt to prove it. She responded with the unable-to-be-proved claim that she left cash. In this situation, Kenner is the only person making a claim without evidence to back it up. Therefore the burden of proof falls on her.

If Kenner claimed to have tipped in cash, she’d be the one with the burden of proof, not the bar. You can’t prove a negative.

Given the spread of white supremacists throughout the armed forces due to the military’s constantly-lowering standards for entry, I politely disagree.

The stories about pay disparities at places like Google are only made worse by articles like this one:

I can’t wait for By the Sea: Part Deux.

Nancy Drew.

Teenage pregnancy is way down and has been falling since the early 90's. HIV been falling for years.