
I’m concerned that this renewal will be seen at HBO headquarters as “even Steven” for that dumbass Confederate show. “See, we can’t possibly have racial blind spots; we renewed Insecure!” Nevermind that Confederate probably already has a first season episode order twice the size of what Insecure got.

Dude, I grew up on hard and progressive rock, and I still love me some Rihanna tracks. Whatever Diplo does? Hard pass.

Exactly. The feelings these men exhibit are not from being “fooled.” It’s shame at finding out that they were attracted to someone trans in the first place, but they can’t handle that and displace their response onto the trans person, even if the trans person was open and honest and upfront about it. And it’s hardly

the fact that having your titties out 24/7 and making psychedelic rock with the Flaming Lips won’t win over the MAGA crowd.

Brings to mind the cis-hetero men so fearful of gay men in the shower. Their “concern” over gay men looking at them naked is really more about them being worried that someone else will catch them sneaking peaks at other peens!

Maybe, but only after several years of horror stories regarding white people treating brown Airbnbers terribly. And some not all that long ago, if we’re being honest.

Time to stop playing nice and chop those trees down.

It’s not like she’s not sitting on an entire mountain containing the chief ingredient to Valyrian steel.

First movie stars, then billionaires... Amber Heard is running out of gold mines to dig.

IDK, seems like people who really love Toni Collette kinda know what she looks like.

Those two don’t show up until later books anyway, so narratively, it’s too soon for them.

Why Moseby?

Yeah, I don’t understand why, as a tool of oversight, body cameras on police even give them any control over them or option to turn them off. It’s just another recipe for corruption, clearly.

My work shift, like your entertainment value, is over.

Did “everyone” tell you to say that? I bet they did.

No, let’s keep talking about this “everyone” you think you’re exposing me to. When “everyone” talks, can anyone besides you hear them? Does “everyone” expect you to follow their commands?

Maybe “everyone” could explain it to you?

What “everyone” are you even talking about? No one is following this side conversation on an article from yesterday. You’re playing to a crowd that doesn’t exist, shit-for-brains.

But I don’t have a crayon set to use to bring the discussion down to your level.

Why? If you don’t understand it now, you won’t understand it later.