
The context of those quotes is black turnout being the only demographic that decreased in 2016. If you have facts that say otherwise, by all means, post them up. But if you don’t, then you’re just twisting quotes out of context, which is just pathetic.

“I never called you racist.”

I stand by what I say, unlike you. You peddle Alt-Left shit and then pretend like it wasn’t you. Even animals can feel shame over leaving a steaming pile on the floor, but not you!

you sad little racist troll.

But how many people would take the next logical step and turn of the TV every Sunday to boycott the NFL? We can’t expect celebrities to do everything for us. The people need to take action based on what Kaepernick’s situation is revealing about the NFL’s failed responsibilities to the communities it exploits.

I am enjoying how every time I score a point on you, it drives you more and more crazy. And I’ll stand by all those things I wrote, in the context of the conversations that they’re part of. I’ll let you in on a little secret: being called “racist” by a person with zero debate skills when you’re not one doesn’t really

Remember when you got your panties twisted about conversational deflection? LOL, good times. Anything to not talk about how fucking morons like you helped elect Trump, huh?

The last thing anyone at CBS should be doing is bringing ABC into a discussion about diversity. I think ABC does a fine job, although still room for improvement in some areas. Nothing at all like the snowstorm of whiteness that is CBS.

Here’s some more fun quotes from “Loud and Proud Democrat” CalivinballPro

Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul were the only Senators to vote against sanctions, actually. Rand Paul because he’s a libertarian, and Bernie Sanders because he’s in Putin’s pocket too.

Erin Hayes has been totally gracious during this mess, and I hope things turn out well for her. Frankly, she’s better off not being saddled to Kevin James and his tired “humor.”

It shouldn’t matter if the CW is partially owned by CBS, because its shows air on an entirely different channel with entirely different ratings. CBS doesn’t get credit for content they dump off on the CW instead of canceling (See: Supergirl) just because there’s a tangential relationship between the companies.

Boo, now you’re reduced to just copying stuff I said to you. So weak. But then again, exactly what I’d expect from a low-information Alt-Leftist Russia-felating dingleberry.

Cool Beans Dude had your number, that’s for sure. You tried using this same tired schtick on him too, and got shut down just as easily.

You use the term “human rights violations” to describe centrist Democrats at one point, which just proves my point. You’re nothing but an Alt-Left anti-Democrat regurgitating Russian agitprop like a good little useful idiot. And yeah, that’s the “progressive” Trump supporter behavior in a nutshell. Bravo for you?

Brings to mind that “Two Assholes...” sketch from SNL, just two narcissists making their way through a world that doesn’t want to put up with their shit.

What a weak fingers-in-the-ears response from you. I’ve posted the details of the vote. You just don’t want to read it because it doesn’t fit your narrative. Booker voted against a symbolic effort that would have accomplished nothing, and PolitiFact rates the effort to imply otherwise as “Mostly False.”

LOL, being exposed as a Trumpkin really set you off, didn’t it? Not my problem. Maybe try being less of a terrible human being going forward?

Maybe it was the idea that he thought I’d be equally outraged if he started a “blkpipo tournament” (I wouldn’t be). Maybe it was because he thought the term “blkpipo” was clever (It is not. At first, I thought he was either talking about “bulk people” or “block people,” which would have been far more interesting).