Sure, pretend like Bernie “Progressive Jesus” dropping his polarizing ass into mayoral races in Omaha, Nebraska, and special elections out in Montana has nothing to do with anything.
Sure, pretend like Bernie “Progressive Jesus” dropping his polarizing ass into mayoral races in Omaha, Nebraska, and special elections out in Montana has nothing to do with anything.
Translation: Dirtbag leftist got his dirtbag panties into a dirtbag twist because someone else had the nerve to correctly analyze his dirtbag lifestyle.
Workers follow wages. This is practically Business 101. Wait, correction, it IS Business 101!
IDK, the ultimate camp is still Schumacher’s two abortions, IMO.
It’s being written by a man. OF COURSE there’s going to be all kinds of bra removal going on. Come on now... ;-)
Or, say, Blade, for that matter? And the last word I’d apply to either of the Tim Burton Batman movies is “campy.”
Yes, those are the same “Meh” gifs from the premiere weekend. Got anything new?
Gotta remember, it’s the part that killed Heath Ledger. That was the major draw at the time.
Dennis Hopper’s pre-death speech from True Romance comes to mind here...
In Dwayne’s defense, it’s the people who are trying to “draft” him to run that have put his name out there.
LOL, the person who wrote what you quoted there is human garbage, plain and simple.
Or maybe they just don’t feel like wasting energy being angry about the little shit all the time? In the grand scheme of things, Bill Maher is nothing to spend as much negative mental energy raging against as you’re clearing doing.
The toilet is composting because you want your life to be as nomadic and free as your mind is, babe. Plumbing is a neoliberal construct so why bother?!
this guy was no dummy
And why do they always end up in positions of influence over POC?
I wasn’t aware of the whole blackface concept
The 15 Minutes of Fame are fleeting. Gotta stay in the news somehow, anyhow, apparently...
And yet not once did you stop to consider that guns being designed for human hands would sit awkwardly in simian hands? Really?!
Nah, there’s still more chocolate left in a Snoball than there is in Sammy Sosa.