Modern libertarians only fight for the economic conservativism. The social liberalism, not so much.
Modern libertarians only fight for the economic conservativism. The social liberalism, not so much.
While the Bernie-or-Die faction is a lot of upper middle class whites who have benefited from privilege (and are so quick to call efforts to reduce it “divisive”), but believe themselves to have boot-strapped themselves to where they are.
You sure seem like an expert on being a cunt.
You are embarrassingly ignorant.
This article is some bullshit, The Root should be ashamed for publishing it, and I should strongly reconsider if this site is the kind of media I want to support with my pageclicks.
Anyone saying otherwise, including the author, is a racist and bigot, and should STFU already.
The anniversary of your 29th birthday, I think you mean.
I tuned out after the 5th grammatical error. Hire a fucking editor already.
I think you should learn to debate without reliance on ad hominem assaults on someone just because you can’t refute their arguments.
But why wasn’t the wrongful death lawsuit more important than the money? This settlement no doubt allows the city to deny any wrong-doing, which just lets them off the hook.
The business managers Depp is suing for fraud? Those guys? And you’re taking their word as gospel?
It’s pretty sad that your straw man argument falls apart so easily. Expressing an appreciation of home design or fashion isn’t an endorsement of slavery.
Jezebel seems to be the scapegoat of choice for The Root’s commentators, because white women, not Republicans, are the source of all evil, apparently.
You certainly won’t see this article cross posted on Jezebel
They got enough boat$ to have 30 babies out in international waters if they wanted.
Never saw Michael Harriot get this heated about a PoC before, it’s almost unsettling.
Miles Teller has an unmistakable case of Douche Face, it’s impossible to miss.
Harriot must not respect Gabby Giffords much, to reduce her from a sitting Congresswoman to “singular white woman.” That’s one of the most vile things I’ve read all day.
Project much?