I hear those are “God’s plan,” though.
I hear those are “God’s plan,” though.
Not as many as he should have, though.
Serious question: Do all of these white evangelical bigots like Jeremy Christian and Kim Davis all have the same (lazy) hairstylist?
This guy exemplifies what it means to be a genuine cuck.
I’m fairly certain this instance uses “commercial” as it relates to business activity and not an advertisement format. For example, a “commercial drivers license” vs a “commercial for CDL school.”
This is the kind of thing that makes me want to punch false-equivalency-pushing BernieBros in the face, forever. No, both parties are NOT the same, you ignorant white male douchecanoes!
Not America’s libertarians, that’s clear enough. Not with Rand “Government Regulation of Every Vagina” Paul as their de-facto representative on the national stage.
I love Wes Anderson and all, but there’s more black talent out there than just Danny Glover. Non-whites can be quirky too, Wes!!
I’m just gonna leave this right here....
Maybe if we’re lucky, in 4 years he joins the 27 Club.
I’ve always hated that “Sorry” worked for him as a comeback song. The lyrics are pretty misogynistic. “Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry? / Cause I’m missing more than just your body” So, he was not really sorry before, but his dick needs attention, so he’s clearly going to say whatever it is that he thinks she…
Tiffany, with the racist hair.
Is this guy still a thing? Pretty sure he was cancelled years ago.
And I thought professional clowns were going out of style. Looks like Katy Perry to the rescue! lol
Well, it is certainly entertaining to watch someone with nails that long try to type on a keyboard, or use a smartphone. It’s like they’re saying, “Evolution gave me these useful fingers, but I was like ‘Naaah, I’m good.’”
Swift isn’t running around shitting on Katy in tabloids. That’s 100% Katy at this point.
Susan Sarandon is cancelled.
You’re entitled to your opinion, even when it’s wrong.
Releasing a diss track 5 years later? Using a promotional tour to badmouth someone? Childish behavior like “she started it?” All typical bullying behavior, except to her fans, of course.
There isn’t a black Tomi Lahren.