I didn’t realize that Wonder Woman was one of the Kardashian sisters. *barf*
I didn’t realize that Wonder Woman was one of the Kardashian sisters. *barf*
Because what, blond, thin, and white? Meanwhile, their noses, ears, eyes, eyebrows, chin, lips, and cheeks don’t match.
Democrats refuse to do anything about it
Clinton had an event scheduled in Wisconsin that was cancelled after the Pulse tragedy. Sorry to burst the bubble of that anti-Clinton narrative, but there it is.
People don’t show up to elect Democrats, Republicans run amok, people blame Democrats instead of themselves.
If you recall, white progressives were the ones calling black Clinton supporters “low information voters” in the primaries just because they didn’t back Bernie Sanders, who “marched with Dr King” (half a mile away and miles behind, naturally) and was apparently trying to pass himself off as a civil rights leader…
Poorly written anti-Democrat article is poorly written. Just leave it at that.
“She started it” is what a bully says when caught in the act of bullying. Katy Perry is a 32 year old woman feuding with a 25 year old and her excuse is “she started it?” What about Perry’s ‘petty idiosyncrasies,’ which are by all accounts what’s keeping this publicity stunt going?
You’re still nothing but a lying Katy Perry groupie, actually. Emphasis on “nothing but.”
First straw men, now the victim card. It’s like you’re teaching a master’s class on how to debate poorly. And all because you got caught lying...
Challenge: Begin a reply without relying on a ridiculous strawman argument.
Wow, the person who deliberately went into the comment sections of a feud article to express just how much they allegedly don’t care about said feud is lecturing anyone else on their investment in it? Truly, you are a hilarious person, albeit unintentionally.
It’s like you’re saying, “I’ll eat hot dogs or hamburgers, whatever,” and then when someone puts a hamburger in front of you, you suddenly have a million reasons why you don’t like hamburgers. Why lie and say you’d eat both then? Because you were biased the whole time but couldn’t be honest about it.
First of all, troll, my original reply wasn’t directed at you. Not sure why you’re making this about you.
Nope, just that anyone who claims not to have a preferred side and then makes clear their obvious preferred side is a lying fool, and easily exposed.
most people agreed that there is no excuse for a man hitting a woman.
quote + comment + gif = perfect!
Every time this place “pops up,” a parody restaurant called Diet Farts should open up next to them.
Not well-trained enough to be invited on tour though, obviously.