You know, like Hillary would have done! Because “there’s no difference between Republicans and Democrats,” as our brain-addled reality-averse Berniecrats like to remind us.
You know, like Hillary would have done! Because “there’s no difference between Republicans and Democrats,” as our brain-addled reality-averse Berniecrats like to remind us.
You “don’t have a dog in this fight,” but you somehow think you know enough about Swift to call her “sensitive and precious?” Holy lying Katy Perry superfan, Batman.
“She started it,” said every bully ever.
But these kinds of tours need talented well-trained dancers, not just “I’m so good, I should be on tour” wannabes.
Hahaha, that’s hilarious. The idea that you can get a boner anywhere else, without medication, that is.
Still thirsty, huh? Pathetic.
It’s an assemblage of shitty takes mixed with overly reverent speech regarding pursuits invested with about 500X the sociopolitical weight that they should have.
They tried too hard to make Bayer into “the new Kristen Wiig” after Wiig left. They weren’t counting on Kate McKinnon to show up so soon and steal that spotlight.
It’s a Two Minute Hate for stupid Alt-Left douchebags.
Holy shit, the ego on you. ROFL
The black vote was down in 2016 compared to 2012. No, blacks didn’t “showed out” this past election. Stop lying.
Nothing says, “I’ve lost this argument” louder than a bunch of reaction gifs. Thanks for playing.
88% of black people who voted went for Clinton. It’s the ones who stayed home that are the problem.
Why did Clinton get attacked for the Crime Bill when Bernie got a pass for actually voting for it? Hmm?
the inexplicable political malpractice of the dems in choosing to do virtually nothing to protect and extend the voting rights of its base.
Obama’s Justice Department at least began investigating the police departments where this was happening. Investigations that Trump’s AG Session has now ended.
Because Cornel West LIED when he went around saying that voting wouldn’t make a difference for black people. It made a difference when they showed up for Obama. The problem is the Savior Complex where people think one President has the power to fix everything overnight. And when Cornel West wasn’t treated with the…
Nah, it was two weeks ago.
Wasn’t she just in the news pretending to be above all that? Literally just before she releases an attention-hungry diss track?
She looks like the love child of Kyra Sedgwick and Glenn Close.