But if they go outside of European stories, they’ll have to cast minorities, and we know how Hollywood feels about that.
But if they go outside of European stories, they’ll have to cast minorities, and we know how Hollywood feels about that.
“Trick” is definitely the word that comes to mind when I see Katy Perry.
“Hey, this game is possibly failing. Let’s stop using the male avatar and switch to the female, unlike ever other article we’ve posted about it. I mean, if we can’t blame this on women somehow, what do we have left?”
Kanye? He’s cancelled.
I hear there’s a lot of open property on the sun these days...
No, because that’s not making fun of someone’s appearance.
Sorry if the idea of anyone making fun of anyone else rankles me.
Spend, spend, spend! Gotta keep this monstrous capitalism running, even as it collapses around us.
Spend, spend, spend! Gotta keep this monstrous capitalism running, even as it collapses around us.
S/He appears to have gone full-on MRA/Gamer-gater/BernieBro/Deplorable lately, based on her/his comments.
Murry Chang and Reality haven’t been friends for a while.
You got conned by the millionaire from Vermont, $27 at a time, so your tears of endless bitterness are understandable. He’s off at his third home and you’re still an internet troll. SAD.
Even the picture selected for the article is an attack on Clinton. She’s standing up to Trump, and someone still said, “Get me the picture of Clinton that makes her look the craziest.”
MOST Democrats voted for her in the primary. Sorry to stop your bitter narrative, BRO.
Not actual corruption, just perceived corruption. Tell me, doesn’t being so gullible ever make you mad at yourself??
You’re not the gatekeeper of the comment section. Stop playing, fool.
Two terms in the US Senate proves you wrong. STFU now.
Your goalposts move so often they have jet engines.
Bill Clinton is a former President of the United States. You’re an internet troll. I know who I want commenting on politics, and it ain’t you.
Obvious troll is obvious.