
Why that picture, Mr Arceneaux? There are hundreds of pictures of a reasonable-looking Hillary Clinton, and you pick that one?? GTFOOH

Not really. In addition to trying to elect the first female President, there was the difficulty for Democrats in holding the White House for three consecutive terms. The media gave Trump billions of dollars worth of free advertising, and never focused on Clinton’s policies, only endlessly hyped RWNJ “scandals.” Add in

Now you’re parsing words because someone called you on your bullshit. Hilarious. “This words I wrote don’t mean their real definition, they mean these other words that I could have used instead but for some reason (because I’m a braindead Alt-Leftist being bamboozled by Cenk Uygur and his billionaire GOP financier) I

I already know who the Justice Democrats are, and the liars and phonies behind it. Hard pass.

Bitch, please.

A “Justice Democrat?” As in, the movement run by former(?) Republican Cenk Uygur, who gets his funding from a conservative billionaire. You’re the frauds trying to primary real Democrats with your bullshit trump-loving sycophants.

“Much effective” More meme-based political commentary. Fucking idiot.

Held accountable how? Like how he’s been “held accountable” for not exposing the investigation into the Trump’s campaign ties to Russia? And the Clinton investigation was already over, while the Trump investigation was ACTIVE!

Hey, hey, hey... There’s no need to bring the noble Chewbacca into this! :-)

“White Americans First!” isn’t quite the winning argument you think it is, Bernout. Peddle your Reagan-lite “a rising tide lifts all boats” bullshit elsewhere. Bye, Felicia!

Corporatist is not a thing. You made it up. You just made it up. And you know why? Because you’re addicted to using “Fear of the Other” to try to drive people to your cause. You Bernouts use Republicans tactics, like stoking fear and anger and trying to direct it at some boogeyman (in your case, “Wall Street,”

“Me first!” How... progressive... of you? I guess? No? No. How REGRESSIVE of you. The horseshoe theory of politics IS true: the Alt-Left has more in common with the Alt-Right than they do with actual liberals and Democrats.

“her corporatist roots” I genuinely have to ask, based on this quote of yours: Are you retarded? Are you really dumb enough to call a woman who began her career fighting for better schools for minority children in South Carolina someone with “corporatist roots?” Just how much paint, by gallons, did you have to drink

I keep hearing about how Bernie “marched with MLK,” so you’d think he’d be more receptive to black voices. Instead, he’s pushing a warmed-over version of Reagan’s “A rising tide lifts all boats” narrative, this time claiming that economic justice will cure racism and sexism. And because he doesn’t grasp the extent of

Your comment was read perfectly. You wrote “Whether or not it’s true” when there’s not question of it being true. It’s confirmed fact that it’s not true. What people believe is what is actually irrelevant here. You can talk about what you think other people do or don’t believe, but you don’t really know, because

Whether it is true or not Donald Trump was able to give the impression that he had raised himself up from the middle class to become a millionaire, with only a little help from his father.

It’s nothing but a symbol of selfish treason and unmitigated evil.

Too bad not everyone gets 4 hours for the cops to finally get around to doing due diligence at the most basic level.

Perhaps because Bernie is still (to this day, in 2017!) withholding his mailing list from the Democratic Party? It’s not Clinton’s fault that you backed a candidate that couldn’t play by the same rules as every other Democratic primary candidate in history.

Michael Moore would have been irrelevant under a Clinton Administration. Under Trump, he’s being interviewed constantly and found funding for a Broadway show somehow. Michael Moore is happier than a pig in shit that Trump got elected.