
Crispen reads like a female Bernie Sanders, but with more accomplishments to her name. “Only I know what’s right; everyone who disagrees with me is wrong, stupid, or corrupt; the system is rigged!” GMAFB!

because The Leftovers is the best show on television

Tessa Thompson will not be returning as Samantha White

Why not, she’s already diverged from reality, setting herself up as a neohippie princess. I know she styles herself the second coming of Susan Sarandon, one of the fringe left’s Most Useful Idiots, but I frankly can’t stand her. She’s practically the embodiment of white female privilege.

What would the ends of that scale look like? Smooth clamshell to full-on roast beef curtains?

Nah, I’m good. I was told that the neophippies at “Our Revolution” were supposed to take care of all of this. Must have gotten some real dank buds to go along with their “dank memes,” which would explain why they haven’t bothered showing up anywhere yet.

How does that conversation even go? “Hey bro, would you like to film me and my girlfriend as we almost bone?”

Even more ironic is that they’ve (the Alt-Left who acts a lot like the Alt-Right, that is) already halfway succeeded.

Voters cost Dems the House, not “leadership.” Listen, we know what it looks like when someone raises up an “Other” for a mob to hate at. All this “establishment” and “DNC leadership” is just a cheap way for the demagogue Sanders to harness the worst impulses of his voters. Enough already, those are Republican tactics.

Please stop complaining about burning down the party after you brought the gas and matches. JFC, do you really have no self-awareness of what the Idiot Left has done... again? At least you have Naderites to pat you on the back and reinforce your bad decisions.

I’m not asking the DINO Tulsi Gabbard about anything. She’s a fraud and a bigot, if one is reading her record honestly and not just fawning over her becase she endorsed Sanders.

A simple google search will show that he definitely made an effort to build a diverse coalition.

So that’s the new trend in celebrity divorces then? Accuse the father of child abuse, wring him through the court of public opinion, and make off with an enhanced settlement?

I’ll tell you, as a black woman, seeing that shirt doesn’t necessarily tell me you’re an ally or worth trusting any more than the sanely-dressed white woman next to you. It doesn’t tell me you actually understand intersectional feminism.

Describing the behavior of the petulant BernieBros and the moronic Jill Stein Russian Reserve Unit as “everyone’s best efforts” is an insult to the word “efforts.”

That special should be required viewing for anyone who wants to understand what great comedy looks like.

James Comey already led the coup. The coup is over. Trump IS the coup.

No, it’s pretty fucked up when the United States president tries to undermine the intelligence community, all to defend and boost Russia.

Jeff Zucker has already hoisted the white flag towards Trump.

R.Kellyanne Conway, I think you mean, based on the leaked report.