
Um, this guy, for starters. He was one of the sharpest Weekend Update hosts ever; this is practically destiny for him.

Articles built and written around tweets fail to disclaim that all tweets were chosen by the author to help construct the desired narrative. I could find 10 tweets favoring gummy bears and 10 tweets against, but if I wrote an article based only on one side, it would look like all of Twitter agreed with me.

Does anyone else see the irony? The critics think it’s wrong for Boyden to assume he speaks for the community, even while they assume they speak for the community. No one looks good here, least of all the people announcing themselves as the White Knights of the Indigenous Heritage.

If you want to see a quality show, there’s plenty of room on the Community bandwagon. Stragglers and TBBT refugees are always welcomed.

You should lump more people into generalizing terms like “SJWs” as you criticize people who lump other people into generalizing terms. You know, so the hypocrisy of your efforts isn’t wasted.

You’re part of the problem, not the solution. Stop fooling yourself.

So let me see if I have this correct: Taylor Swift invited Rooney Mara to a party to celebrate the nation’s independence? What a *****!!! The nerve of Taylor Swift, being all cordial with an invitation and overtures of friendship and sh*t.

“Hmm, help the man who was shot and is now bleeding to death, or snap my pictures? Decisions, decisions....”

My list of shows I was supposed to watch (according to Twitter) but that I didn’t and won’t would have to include Mr Robot and any “SyFy Original.”

Something tells me that everyone is going to be comparing wristwatches at the Elite offices tomorrow.

She criticized Madonna’s appearance

That’s a deep Simpsons cut right there. Most of today’s fans weren’t even alive when that clip aired.

LOL @ the isolated Subway.

Neohippie claptrap designed to distract from the fact that thousands of LWNJs happily threw their votes against Donald Trump away on Jill Stein and “Bernie or Bust” write-ins. Russ Feingold lost. Zephyr Teachout lost. Referendums that Bernie Sanders claimed were The Most Important Thing lost in states that Clinton

Ugh. Too bad comment guidelines prevent me from saying how I really feel about such uneducated false equivalence. I hope you’re one of the estimated 20,000,000 Trump voters who will lose their overtime pay when the GOP’s attack on the workers who elected them goes into effect.

Because they’re so overused and worn out, whenever I see the words “neoliberal” and “establishment” in an article about the Democratic Party, I just instantly tune out.

Seriously one of the best comments I've seen online, ever. Bravo, sir or madam.

"It's never 'too soon'." ~all the best comedy

Reminds me of the comment section at the The Onion's A.V.Club, where finding two comments related to the actual article is considered a generous discovery. Some guy called "BonerTime" posts moronic non-sequiturs and gets a thousand thumbs up, plus maybe 500 replies all to the effect of "It's boner time!"

Unintentional sexism through adherence to 1960s plotlines isn't going to play in today's world. The "original lineup" of the Justice League is clearly sexist by today's modern standards. Get with the times.