
Oh girl, I so feel your pain. I fucking hated being pregnant, also had GD and had to stick myself with various needles (8 times a day!), had sciatica that made it nearly impossible to get myself on and off the couch, and the world’s worst heartburn that made it so I could barely eat. For most of my third trimester, I

I wish Jezebel had a subpage/site dedicated to mothers and soon to be mothers. Beauty and marriage both have one!

Born and raised in Guadalajara, so I’m more Latino than you’ll ever be. I’m just not worthless trash.

It was directed at you, though! They just didn’t realize it.

that have it infinitely worse than you ever will.


I said I’ve experienced more than people I know, not all people of color. I’m not arrogant enough to make that claim. And it is true, I’ve discussed this issue with my friends and family and I’ve had more experiences with it than a majority of them have. But whatever, clearly you want to pull out our Hispanic cocks

I understand what you’re saying but I think it’s a little arrogant to imply it was any less painful for me to hear those things simply because it wasn’t directed at me.

I’m 100% Hispanic but am very light skinned and grew up with a white last name (long story) but I think I’m just as capable of experiencing racial discrimination as my darker brothers and sisters. Because many white people have assumed I’m white, I’ve been privy to their racist comments against minorities because

Both her parents are white. She herself is lily white. She dyed her hair and darkened her skin with cosmetics. She also claimed her adopted brother was her son, her father had cancer, she had cancer, and probably a lot of other shit too. She is a lying liar who lies a lot.

I’m a management-side, defense-side attorney, so what I’m about to say should mean a lot! You need to go out and get a good plaintiffs lawyer and sue your employer asap. If what you say is true, you have a great case against them. If your employer were my client, I would cringe, try to re-educate my client on federal

I am currently reading the newest piece and all I can say is that it is amazing how effective the proper deployment of logic can be! To wit:

Roommate was a total dipshit. He even insisted that my packaged food not touch his packaged food in the cupboards. I once came home to a passive-agressive note on the fridge chastising me for letting my pack of nori sit next to his box of mac & cheese.

I’m on record as saying there’s a place in the discussion for people with all levels of food preferences, but now I see that no, there is not. For these specific people—the people who as adults (OSTENSIBLY) will only eat chicken nuggets and pizza—they are not allowed to take part in any conversation about food. Adults

My dog growing up refused to eat peas. You could literally give her a bit of stew with mixed vegetables in it, she’d lick the bowl clean, then she would drop all the uneaten peas out of her mouth back into the empty bowl.

And a shout out to all those people that are trying against all odds to still make it work when everybody else wants them to get away.

i have made it exactly 1 minute in. i have paused 4 times. i am paused now. it's already awks and i know that something even worse is coming

My balls fit in a guy's mouth on the regular. They don't need that much room.

"I will poop in every pair of shoes you own for this."