
Where's her long form birth certificate? Obviously she was born in Klutzylvania! She wasn't even ELIGIBLE for her Oscars!!!

I wasn't spanked and I turned out fine.

I'm not one of those "I was spanked and I'm fine!" people, I'm one of the "I was abused and it was called spanking" people. So I don't think this bill sounds perfect, but a legal definition of spanking that takes the belts, brushes, or other weapons out of the hands of the adult sounds like a step in the right

I'm single because I hate people.

Interesting fact, foxes only really wag their tales like that after selective breeding that imitates the usually very long process of domestication. I think the whining is also connected to that. Pretty cute!

I know it’s been a long time, but I just finished reading de saga yesterday (I read the three books in two weeks), and I am so depressed I was looking for something here (the internet) that made me see things differently. As part of my own “therapy” to overcome the finale of the book, and because I’ve always been Team

Siesta Key beach. Regularly voted best beach in the US.


Clap, clap, clap.

I just finished reading this book and I must say, pick it up and read it entirely. Never would have known about it without Deadspin, Thanks.

Mike Shanahan would never let an injured player back on the field too soon.

Oh no, I hope we haven't offended this fictional character!

Rue dying was the only cry-inducing moment of The Hunger Games for me. However, Catching Fire... dear god, could they not give me a break? I hadn't even stopped crying before they had my waterworks going all over again.

Not petty. Malicious. Petty would indicate that we have nothing to gain from this sort of behavior as a group.

White people are so fucking petty sometimes.

Yet relieved.

As someone who lived through the original trend, let me just say NEVER AGAIN.

Sometimes it was just a pube. Things were bushy in the 90's.