
Other Bushy Dangers: putting in a tampon only to find that your bush got caught up along with it and your business is now imploding on itself.

This! I rarely post pics of myself, much less selfies. And I have all of these friends that post them all the time and I feel so sorry for them because it's clear they are absolutely desperate for approval.

The last book felt like a first draft. It felt unedited and sloppy. I wonder if, because of the success of the first two books, her publisher was just rushing to get something out there.

I don't want no scrubs.

They are seriously the best things ever.

Growing up at sea level, I made the stupid, stupid decision to fly from sea level into La Paz ~16K feet. I woke up in the morning with literally the worst headache you could ever imagine. Then the hallucinations started (I was answering questions not asked and generally acting like a weirdo). I never went to the

I waited on both of them at a NYC restaurant years ago and they were the NICEST PEOPLE EVER.

LOL, I'm dying at how over-the-top-banana-nut-bread-fascist these mommies are. It is an indication of just how ridiculous parenting has become. Remember how laid back our parents were?

I completely agree that it has gotten way crazier than it was in the 80's and early 90's. Maybe it was the Meth? The Oxy? I'd also posit that the combination of less middle-class opportunities combined with hella drugs has fed the fire.

I FREAK OUT when I see people dump oil and fat down the drain. I lie and tell them it will clog their pipe and cause the water to back up. That helps more than any sane discussion based on fact.

I recently learned that in the 50's and 60's it was considered very odd to work late: your colleagues and supervisors simply assumed you weren't competent enough to get everything done in 8 hours.

I drove through Russia and Kazakhstan last summer, and there are monuments like this EVERYWHERE. They all have amazing detail and information relevant to the areas people, economy, and politics.

What a wonderful story!

I am a civil servant and thank you!

Uh, that's actually how a lot of water is treated today.

I would guess the alcohol is a form of isopropyl alcohol, not liquor. It could be useful to get the sugar to cure and hold form.

Exactly! Trolling trolls troll for attention.

He is my secret favorite nutbag of all time. And I'm enthralled with the name of his successor, also his dentist, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow.

You should come get your swerve on. I got hella million bitches just mad chillin' with no rights. So ill, it can't be wrong.