
You guys ready to fuck with everything?

::rubs hands together::

I was out hunting all day. What did I miss?

I've been to Mongolia a few times and had fermented mares milk. But not some fancy bottled shit. I've had the stuff that's been sitting out on their stove for a few weeks, covered in a filmy layer of dirt. Lemme tell you, that is HARSH. And carbonated. And it tastes like sour milk and moonshine. And it literally the

Serious Question: How do middle-class parents afford child care in NYC? I'm beginning to think I'll never have a kid because I can't swing $1,500 - $2,000 a month for a babysitter.

To piggy back off of this idea, the City should also run the simulation in winter to capture any dispersion differences associated with temperature.

Do you know if this works for flushing, too? I will feel OK, but as soon as I get up I flush a deep red. It is so embarassing!

Airag - Fermented Mare's Milk. It smells OK, but tastes like the sourest milk imaginable, but CARBONATED.

We called each other Beyoncé before we were married. It was better than BF and worlds better than fiancé.

The dog gets:

When we were engaged, I called my future husband, Beyonce.