that's wild! And beautifully styled! It's gotta be Cheryl Tiegs!
that's wild! And beautifully styled! It's gotta be Cheryl Tiegs!
For all her flaws, I do love Peggy. I wanted her to just go for it and have the one night stand soooooo badly, but alas no. Peggy forever has to walk that line. She's grown more than any other character on the show and it's been fantastic to watch. I'm devastated it's almost over.
Yes, I know sometimes the number of women flirting with him is more a way of Weinstein showing us that Classic Don is back and he's confident and on top of his game. But yes, I do find the number of women hurling themselves at him to be a bit over the top at this point.
The episode a letdown in so many ways. The parts with Joan, Peggy, and then Ken were the standouts. I'm tired of Don and his issues.
I also don't think Joan dresses provocative at work. She has a large chest but that's nature. I don't ever recall her showing tons of cleavage and she's always behaved quite professional so I'm not sure why Peggy tried shaming her.
But men are actual people, and their brains and personality are what matter. Bitches is just for looks and bangin, amirite?
I'm 95% sure that last night, Rich Sommer retweeted this (he subsequently un-RT'ed it)
She's so cute, but I just learned that she's a Scientologist.
For reference, here’s a picture of Mike Gallagher:
Only one man is qualified to be the Secretary of Partying Down
I couldn’t agree more. As someone that has struggled with eating disorders And have been involved in the world of modeling, disordered eating is the deal. It is extremely difficult to maintain a 17 bmi without using pro-Ana tips and tricks. Don’t eat all day- if you’re heart races because your hungry when you’re…
Okay but being 5 ft 2 and even 5 ft 7 you are not going to be a model, the problem is when you have a model that is 5 foot 11 and is 90lbs. Look there is more to be done and this law can be problematic but some of the comments are ridiculous .
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like pointing out if something is “well-said” instead of calling a person “well-spoken” might be an alternative. And yes, tone definitely does matter a lot!
You will probably get other, better suggestions, but maybe you can say, “I like the way you put that,” so you are speaking to the particular turn of phrase or distillation of an idea that impressed you rather than implying that it is surprising that a black person expressed it at all? I am interested to hear what…
Eloquent is far better, as that means something a cut above ordinary functional speech.
Yeah, “eloquent” would be better than “well-spoken” for the simple reason that “well-spoken” is essentially code for “sounds white.” It’s not intrinsic to the phrase, obviously, but the context is clear, at least in the US.
Sorry, maybe I'm missing something. Why is "well-spoken" racist?
Same thing happens to me. Except my boobs make boys cry.
This kid knows what’s up.