I don’t know how calling myself a certified-G and a bona fide stud would go, but I’m all for anything that lets me say:
My mother has worked in the film industry a long time. And, I sent her a link to the Kristen Stewart piece from Jez last night. And, this was her response:
i miss dating subtractions in newspapers
I made a burner for this. No one knows this story except me, my husband and our healthcare providers. I had an abortion of a baby I wanted more than anything, ever. I loved her so much.
No - you’re just dismissing your amoral behavior with different justifications.
If your partner already fears the worst, fess up. You’ll cause them way more psychological anguish by denying that it happened. There’s nothing more tormenting that knowing something in your gut, but having your lover repeatedly deny it.
Thirded. A lot of feminist/social justice writing refuses to acknowledge the grey, when most things are grey.
It is also beyond question that individuals are often outliers from particular groups....But I would also imagine that there are 13- and 14-year-old girls who already have the decision-making skills of an average 18- or 19-year-old.
“Yeezus, can you just give it a west already” said Taylor, swiftly.
This all looks bad, but at least he hasn’t dabbed on the football field. That would be classless.
I’m a frayed knot.
It’s like choosing between Batman and Superman when the alternatives are the Joker and Lex Luthor. Either would be fine!
It has been done before, in The Hollow Crown. It’s excellent and everyone should see it. Redbearded Hiddles is the sexiest Hiddles.
I worked as an intake counselor in a psych ER shift over-night for a long time and would be alone a lot of nights with the lobby overflowing and transfers would be at other ends of the hospital waiting for assessment, law requiring everything be done in a certain amount of hours... I’d forget I need to pee for 4…
Yeah, I’ll leave the patient bleeding in the chair while I go eat leftovers from last night.