Calamity Jones

A baseball player hitting 73 home runs in a season (2013 data, qualified batters).

This email is totally depressing to those of us intelligent, sensitive men who participated in fraternities. When I was a frat brother, yes we did drink, but we never, ever would "mack" or "hit on" girls that were past the point of good judgment. That's a horrible awful thing to do. In my frat, we learned a sense of

Wow, this really does reflect the worst of college bro culture. It's unconscionable that there are college students out there who think that this behavior is okay.

Does this mean that we traded Tuesday Night Fights to Jezebel? Please tell me this means we traded Tuesday Night Fights to Jezebel.

[Touches envelope to forehead]

He should have just had Ed move down one bar stool.

I predict a similar highlight next Monday in the Jacksonville Daily News entitled "Broncos Football Player Runs Over High School Defense for 50-Yard Touchdown".

You're welcome. ;)

I really enjoy XSEED's translation work. I can find no faults with their Ys games on Steam, and some of the references they sneak in had me laughing rather hard.

Now I'm definitely against letting women on the golf course.

This thing has much better mechanics

Sure, WildCat is cool now, but the rest of the robot world will adjust. By next year, we'll be back to robots that comfortable in the pocket. WHERE THEY BELONG.

the circles are really helpful, otherwise I'd never had known where the headbands were.

So what you're saying is that the Browns are just Phase One of a larger plan to expand his holdings?

HAHAHA! Truckers are so fucking stupid! HAHAHA!

Mike's Hard Lemonade has a creepy fixation on much, much younger women.

Hard cider is your bisexual boyfriend who you get jealous of at parties

Paying money for extra lives, man gaming has changed so much...

He asks, nervously

What makes you think they have all that much money? Maybe for them, crowdfunding is an alternative to trying to make a deal with a publisher? I get your skepticism of Kickstarter projects, but this seems like one of the good ones - well-thought-out, no stretch goals, good track record, etc.