Cajun Ginger

I’ve sat on a few hiring committees where an eagle scout achievement has been prominently mentioned by a middle aged applicant and earns some serious side eye from all of us.

I’m exactly the same - whilst the other deaths have been sad, this one has had me in floods of tears. No one has the right to dictate whether you can mourn someone or not.

Years of drug abuse, drinking and other issues (which she was always refreshingly honest about) probably took their toll. Even if you are in a better place than in the past, the body can just get tired. This happened to one acquaintance of mine this year — he was on the road to sobriety but his body was just done, and

I’m a long-time nurse, I knew in my heart it was going to end like this, and I’ve been crying since the news broke. I almost never cry at celebrity deaths, but this one is killing me.

I’ve been upset and sad about a bunch of the celebrity deaths this year, but this is the first time I’ve been just straight up sobbing. I just don’t want this to be true.

Also, unfriended a person I knew from college who was making fun of people caring about her as Leia. Okay, assface, we get it that you’re above Star

Happy Hanukkah everyone!

Aww, look at that. They get to save face. How adorable. Got to say, though, finding third party producer payments to subjects is a harder to find backdoor than I thought they’d use to do this, though. lol

Oh, my sweet summer child.

Nope, she’s not projecting. You are incredibly insensitive and sound like someone who actually does not really know how to cope with death and grief at all in a healthy way. You cope by being superior, condescending and in denial.

Stable condition doesn’t mean survivable condition.

I will refuse to believe this kind of thing happens until a man tells me he’s seen it. Then I’ll act very concerned.

How about they agree to hear it, bring them in, crush the living shit out of these dicks and then reward him by forcing them to pay his legal costs and damages?

Hate, pure irrational unexplainable HATE. I’ve encountered “people” like these. I can’t put enough distance between myself and them fast enough

I wonder how much it would piss them off if I bought a house opposite this guy, moved in my motley fleet of vehicles and built a rainbow sided pole barn to keep absolutely nothing in? >:D

It all really comes down to jealousy - not necessarily jealousy because this man can afford nice cars but because he has the balls to do something that so far above and beyond the “normal” way of life. That is instead of treating his vehicle like an appliance taking his car to the dealership for its quarterly oil

I’m hoping they put up a for sale sign. I could use a neighbor like him

Cool I love my daughter to death but I need some alone time and this seemed like the only good movie that had a fun non depressing story.

Funny, though, how Emma’s experience is shared by so many women in nearly all industries.

All Asian jokes aside, I like Emma Stone and this sucks for her and the other actresses who have to deal with it.

My friend. I had a Chevy Lumina Euro Sport who died in a Blizzard in 1999. Her name was Wendy. I have a piece of her bumper and her keys on desk. When I went to say goodbye to her, I brought a boombox and played “Born to Run’ for her last time.