Cajun Ginger

Nah. This is 100% fitting with the public perception of her sense of humor and interactions with the people working for and around her. It wasn’t told as part of a tell-all expose. My guess is the anecdote is well known aroudn Buckingham Palace, and the story was leaked to encourage a lighthearted reminder of just how

I guess it goes to show the current state of affairs that my immediate assumption on reading the headline was that she died.

I won’t even spend that much for NICE wineglasses. I specifically buy the $3 glasses at IKEA because we just can keep nice things around my house.

You are confabulting training and responsibility.

The problem is proving who fired it. Try rounding up every redneck in a 5 mile radius and figuring out which one both randomly shot in the air and hit you.

I would have assumed it was already illegal to wildly discharge a weapon in a residential area, but you know what they say about assuming....

lawmakers don’t gaf about anyone unless it affects them personally. reactionary garbage.

Trump’s entire style is basically what someone in a trailer park imagines a rich person looks and acts like. His whole appearance and environment screams gaudy and lack of taste.

I’d watch it, if the heart of the sea (or whatever that necklace was called) also exploded when tossed in the ocean.

“Of course, while it’s known that there was a fire onboard, not everyone agrees that the fire—even if it did weaken the hull—was the fatal blow to the ship. After all, the Titanic hit a huge chunk of ice in the middle of the ocean.”

Uh no, you are pretty clearly not fully informed on the topic. Your birth certificate and your drivers license can have different sexes listed on them.

Personal beliefs aside, that is an impressively thoughtful and work-intensive gift.

Man that’s wild. I mean the old joke about “two Jews, three opinions” i know I know but I just thought Christians were similar at least. It’s so weird that debate isn’t valued. How else do you learn?

Honestly, I think you’ve answered your own question. No, they don’t have better things to debate (because debate isn’t valued the way it is in our religion) and they never have.

I mean, I feel bad for her, because this bible had blank spots in it for notes, so why is it bad that she highlighted things. This reminds me of the most confusing aspect of my recent Byzantine history class, which was all the heresies. I’m a Jew. Jews generally don’t kick other Jews out of the faith unless you REALLY

I’m really enjoying this screed on ‘how to be a master criminal’ /thumbs up/

Joined with my real meet up account so don’t be a fucking psycho.

Isn’t that standard for kids over 13 or so in most courts?

Children services sometimes are a joke, and people tend not to believed the abuse, especially if is only psychological, how can you charge someone if you do not have a physical prove? Being cleared of charges does not mean that you are innocent.

that can’t be trump...hands are too big. belly not big enough.