What a brand new and very original thought
What a brand new and very original thought
Its been worse in the past, waaaay worse. At least now people are un-racist enough to actually listen to black people when they speak out.
I feel like they think that the cishet white male liberals are the wishywashy ones, for being willing to "give" things to groups that they see as subhuman. Whereas they see lady feminists as stubborn harpies for daring to want things like healthcare and equality. Then of course, people who aren't white don't deserve…
These people aren't mourning, they're a group of people at a training seminar who had a job to do. They done fucked up that job, and now they are bearing the weight of it.
lol. you get 10 ally points from the oppressed ancient egyptians. and free entry to a pyramid of your choice when you visit giza
Keep going for those white mea culpa points!
Thank you. Can we save our outrage for actual outrageous stuff? Jesus.
So, when are we going to get our snarky, poorly written "article" (aka rewrite of a tumblr post from someone stuck in Perpetual Outrageville) about how awful, racist, and problematic Katy Perry is for appropriating ancient Egypt regalia? GAAWWWD, doesn't KP know how omgOPPRESSED the ancient Egyptians where? For shame…
You can't really appropriate from a culture that no longer exists. Modern day Egypt and ancient Egypt are hardly the same thing. And even if ancient Egypt still existed, it would be hard to argue that they wouldn't want us to do as the Egyptians do, since it was an expanding empire that forced it's ways on many…
But why you gotta call her a bitch tho?
I am sick to death of people claiming it is "racist" to hate Islam. Umm, you know white, black, and Asian people can be Muslim, too, right? That there is a minority (which is still large if you think about it) of Middle Eastern people who are Christian, Jewish, even atheist.
I was really enjoying this until the blatant and ignorant criticism of Islam under the guise of criticizing sexism.
in before the white men brigade of kotaku complain about their rights
Because I'm the target demographic, because I'm deeply troubled by how self-professed feminists treat other women, because I'm actually concerned with where the conversation around social justice goes, and because I hate my job and wasting time on the internet is a terrible vice...idk. Why are YOU here?
What? You didnt already learn that from the Beyonce is Perfect threads?
I love how there are SO MANY people that disagree with this article.... but golly, they're all greyed....
Thank you! Everyone acts like she's just amazing all of the time. She's kind of meh to me.
Watch out. Dems fightin' words on Jezebel ;)