
Yeah, there’s no way Kraft knew this shit was happening. But Goodell going to one of his employers’ house while setting up an operation to catch his team cheating - that takes a ton of balls or a ton of oblivious stupidity. Knowing Goodell, I’m betting on stupid.


ok man. I think he’s lying too. But saying that we’re 100% sure is ridiculous when the literal conclusion of the investigation is that the investigators are something like 51% sure. and below, where you keep saying that we are 100% sure of something because of what witnesses say is exactly how no standards of evidence

it’s incredible how quickly you changed from knowing 100% that he lied to not being 100% sure while pretending that you were making the same point the whole time.

None of that is right. he said he didn’t know guy B and he was texting with guy A. guy A was texting with guy B. you should not have such a strong opinion when you do not know the facts.

since when are we 100% sure of that? even the nfl isn’t saying that

I don’t think you know what sarcasm is

I think you’re wrong on the facts. He denied knowing McNally, not JJ. JJ is the only person he texted. I still think he’s lying in general but you got that one wrong I think.

No one’s ever going to acknowledge this. The texts all make perfect sense in the context of wanting the balls at 12 or 13 but the story isn’t as much fun that way. For the record I think there’s a good chance they cheated either on purpose or inadvertently, but this evidence is not what makes me think that.

Am I the only one reading these and seeing only that Brady hated the balls when they were at 16 psi? when they’re allowed to be at 12? How is this proof of anything? Am I taking crazy pills!?


Everyone: These texts are proof! I don’t need to explain how they’re proof! they’re proof!

This is completely off-topic, but Grantland has one of those oral histories up about the Shaq-Penny Magic teams and it’s pretty good.

Would you really need to move your family out of San Diego to play football in LA? Commuting to LA seems... not that hard

but you're a redskins fan?

not crazy, just stupid

I love how Klay gives up the kind of open three so Steph can shoot the wide-open three. So many guys with half of his shooting ability would have pulled the trigger.

Judging Boston based on the Herald is like judging New York based on the Post.

yeah, this is the one