Not saying any of this is right but that 0.36 MB/S is still faster than Sprint’s 3G connection that I finally rid myself of. Now it’s prepaid carriers all the way. I’m on straight talk (BYOP 5GB/month) with AT&T sims in mine and my wife’s phones and we couldn’t be happier. If they start throttling in my area though I

Virtual PC is for installing another OS like Virtual Box. Virtual Desktops are different workspaces that you can switch between in one OS. So you can have your web tools on one while you have your office tools on another.

I thought I was the only kid that had one of these. Man that takes me back.

I use a similar plugin in Chrome. Firefox, Chrome or Opera have always been my browsers of choice depending on platform.

As others have said on a Mac iTunes works very well, but I've also had nothing but problems in Windows with it. In Windows I typically just use Media Player or Winamp, and in Linux I typically favor Banshee over the others. My brother seems to lean toward Rhythmbox though.

LOL You beat me to it.

I've never seen this issue. Try clearing data on your FB app.

Could someone clarify why this is a big deal? It doesn't add content to your page that wasn't there. It doesn't really change anything except the appearance. The only thing it does is make it a little easier to look back in time on your FB posts. Now instead of scrolling down and clicking on "load older" you can just

That's just disturbing. Well I guess you always have a story to tell when you work in the medical field.

Recently "hackintoshed" my Asus UL80J. Had to transplant the wifi card, and disable the Intel GPU in the Bios (so it runs dedicated Nvidia), but now that we've worked out the kinks it runs the latest version of Snow Leopard beautifully. The only thing I haven't been able to get working are the hotkeys on the keyboard

I don't think it's any different than the old layout information wise. You could go the bottom of your old profile page and just keep clicking older and look "back in time". It's just a new way to look at the old data that catalogs is a little better. That said I don't see why you'd have any trouble seeing what's

K9 Mail (best android mail client by far)

I've always found ADW Ex to be the best of the home screen replacements on my Evo. Runs smoother than my buddy's iPhone 4 and allows you to change anything and everything. They all respond a little different on different hardware though so Launcher Pro or Go Launcher might be better for you, but Go Launcher has always

I like this line of thinking. ;-)

I'm thinking a technophobe being convinced to get a computer for the first time will be more apt to spend the $200-$400 on a netbook, chrome book or cheap laptop LONG before they'll drop $999+ on anything from the apple lineup. Yes I'm aware you can get the mini for less than $999 but most people these days would

Exactly. I'm not even an iPhone fan but the Sun spider benchmark results are always a load of crap to me. When they ran this test after the iPhone 4s released and said it was the fastest handset ever because it beat out the Samsung Gs2 and then we all ran the test ourselves to compare, we got crazy different results

Not sure what you're doing to your Evo but mine runs awesome. Mine is rooted with a custom Rom but I ran the stock gingerbread update from HTC when it came out for almost a month and it wasn't just fast/smooth but gave me awesome battery life (15-20 hours). I get much faster performance and better battery life with

Snatched this one up. Glad I thought to check Amazon's free app today.

I'm not even a fan of apple, but that would be something.