
monogamy took the bone, and matrimony took the balls.

Another IT guy here. Same. We have monitoring tools in place, but not once have we ever actually needed or wanted to bother using them. If people think you’re not being productive, you should be more worried about management and HR, not IT. We couldn’t give a shit less what sites you’re browsing as long as your shitty

I get that what she did was upsetting and that you feel she deserves more punishment, but can I say I dislike this knee jerk thinking? Automatically thinking everything deserves time in prison, and the tough on crime mentality is how we ended up being the country with the highest per capita prison population in the

So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email

She’s left a blast crater.

You can’t send classified info over the non-classified networks. This has been the case forever. The email server, while increasingly risky as we understand more in the digital age isn’t toooo terrible of a problem. But if she knowingly (or neglectfully) sent classified info over a very insecure network, that’s a

Is he a nerd or is he a bully? Make up your mind, Stinson!

I handled the weirdness of my BC’s wife issuing orders by ignoring it. My (then newly married wife) found it to be bullshit she couldn’t tolerate. I ended up resigning my commission and saving my marriage.

Cost of project divided by the amount of water savings... as per the article $34.5 million/enough water for 8100 people.

When I was 16, I received my first ticket for speeding. To avoid points on my license, I went to defensive driving. The class was held in a large conference room with the tables arranged in a “U”. Idle chatter filled the room until the kid walked in. Yes, I do mean the kid. He looked to be about 10.

So, in many states not Michigan, you don’t go through, eh 3/4 of these processes. Let me regale you, dear reader, with a typical traffic court appearance by yours truly, in states like Florida, Iowa, New Mexico and even far southern Georgia.

Of course, if you really are guilty and feel like ‘fessing up and paying your debt to society, by all means skip this and plead responsible and pay the ticket.

That’s really the key here: are the parents making an effort?

I live in Maine and have actually been to this diner. I think the important thing to know about Marcy’s is that it really is a hole-in-the-wall. There are maybe 5 tables and one counter that might seat a dozen. It is tiny and cramped and hot (because the griddle is 3 feet from the counter), but the food is delicious

And then you whine and complain when prison staff is using lots of force to deal with inmates who are going bonkers from only having a cell, a bed, and meals.

This is the most bizarre and out of touch news story this entire cycle. Yes, political interns work for experience not salaries. Yes, it’s why the interns are often political legacies. But NOOOOOOOOO, nope, Nooonah, nah, to Clinton paying them being any change to the process. It means she now has to account for this

I have found that having silver status (which is something...but not much), a friendly smile and a polite question have gotten me a better chance at an upgrade than $20.