
Heh, yeah I commented on that one back then, too. I love science, but there’s some flawed science, unfortunately.

Very little plastic comes off a plastic cutting board in reality. I’ve been using a couple of them for about 25 years, and they’re scratched but not noticeably worn any thinner.

I already find a Double Whopper Jr. to be one of my favorite fast-food burgers. It’s got just the right ratio of ingredients.

In my neck of the woods, Denny’s, Hardee’s, and a truck stop are the only places within a 50 mile radius that are open 24 hours. The local Denny’s isn’t bad, at least at lunchtime, which is the only time I’ve been there. I wish they still had waffles, though. They had the best waffles in town. There are a couple of

It seems surprisingly hard to search for this: what is that part made of? It looks like some kind of plastic composite with an aluminum skin?

I sometimes make up a quick small batch of “Chex” mix as a snack, regardless of whether I have any actual Chex in the house. Just about anything crispy works—CheezIts, Cheerios, pita chips, pretzels, oyster crackers, any kind of nuts. Melt a tablespoon of butter, mix it with some Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder,

I didn’t know the 4 train went to Jaglan Beta.

When I was a kid in the ‘70's, there was a VORTAC outside the little town where I grew up, and we were about 50 miles from an Air Force base. We would hear sonic booms once in a while back then, but I don’t remember the last time I heard one.

It’s 22 miles to the nearest Kroger, but out here in the rural Midwest, it’s often the only place I can find anything even slightly out of the ordinary. Lamb, wasabi, rainbow carrots, things like that. Kroger might have them, while my local Walmart, ALDI, and Schnuck’s (regional chain) have a much more limited

Given that I’ve owned one for more than 20 years, I feel like I should know this, but when did the front turn signals get incorporated into the headlight assembly, instead of separate in the grill opening? That’s the way they are on my ‘04 SRT-4, and I think they’re the same for any Neon from that year.

The description honestly reminds me a bit of the flavor of Dr. Pepper. Fruity sweet undertones with a bit of clove and some other warm spice flavors.

To someone who wants one with this low mileage, it’s pretty much the market price. There are just so few of them out there. Personally, it’s more than I would pay. Two years ago a tree fell on mine in the driveway. I had it professionally appraised at $8,500 for the insurance settlement at the age and mileage it was,

Well, I don’t know if Rowan Atkinson is an expert on electric vehicles, but he does at least have a master’s degree in electrical engineering.

The hood and front fascia can be very hard to come by, but other parts mostly aren’t bad yet. Most of the engine parts are shared with the turbo PT Cruiser, and most of the body parts are standard Neon, of course. Between those two, a lot were made, so a lot of salvage parts are still available. That’s going to

They’re great for mounting winter tires. Maybe not what’s going on here, since it’s not really driven, but they do have a winter-tire looking tread at the side in that first pic.

I’m getting old, so I thought it was pretty fun the time in the 80's when the host was “Paul Simon,” and the musician and the Senator both walked onstage.

I’ve found it usually works if I open the format toolbar, then click to put the cursor on a new blank line, *then* click the image button. If I don’t do the step to click and reposition the cursor first, it won’t insert the picture.

No worries!

It says right in the subhead, “Tell us your secret 1973-1983 desires....”

Based on looks, at least, the casting seems really spot-on to me. I was only old enough to start watching SNL in about 1980, but I’ve seen a lot of reruns and clips from the older shows.