
I know what you mean. You should see some of the stuff I’ve found in my walls. Wallpaper, paint, and more wallpaper on top. Places old windows and doors were once framed in. Behind a mirror I found that someone had taken out an old medicine cabinet, and just papered over the hole! I could hardly believe it.

Kind of along these lines, I now just wash the board, knife, and whatever else I’m using immediately after I’m done with them. As you say, it’s exponentially easier to do it then, instead of after food residue has dried. If I do it immediately, it’s a quick scrub with soapy water and a brush, sponge, or rag, then

Our house was built in the ‘40s and has (very!) hard batten and plaster walls. They’re also nowhere near flat and smooth. We used texture on them when we were remodeling, because it really helps cover up how uneven the original plaster surface is. Putting up dry wall, or—heaven forbid—re-plastering them, was

I remember making one of these when I was a kid. Back then we used a Sucrets lozenge tin. If I remember correctly, it included a couple of bullion cubes for “food. In about 3rd grade I read “My Side of the Mountain,and ever since have had this small part of me that wants to go live in the woods. 

I guess you could probably do that with the “bagel” setting on your toaster (if it has one). When I was a kid, my mom made garlic bread by spreading butter on white bread, sprinkling garlic salt on it, and putting it under the broiler. It ended up crisp and buttery on top and still completely soft on the bottom. It

I did the same with my SRT-4 a few years ago. None of them came with cruise from the factory, but they do have (almost) all of the programming in the engine controller. I got extremely lucky in that the parts car I bought after I hit a deer also had Dodge’s add-on factory cruise kit. I was able to get most of the

My question is, are we getting an article about the cookie butter?!? I’ve had it only a few times. It’s pretty good. Rich. Seems like it needs to be combined with something. I’m interested in what you discovered.

I thought it was going to be instant mashed potatoes!

On the other hand, Famous Bowls are pretty tasty. It’s not really much different than a “garbage plate,” which has a pretty long and, uh, famous, history.

Seems like it might be a good filling for a cream puff or eclair?

Tomato ketchup is a fairly modern North American invention (early 1800's), but as late as 100 years ago, the Webster’s dictionary definition of ketchup was, “table sauce made from mushrooms, tomatoes, walnuts, etc.”

tangy, tangy, tangy, with a slight raisiny vibe

I have one to “My apps” in the Play Store app. Quickest way to check for app updates.

I’ve always thought it was well-known that it originated in India. Weirdly, Wikipedia says the origin is the U.K., but then also later says that the earliest written reference to it ca. 1690 calls it an “East-India” sauce. I guess India was technically a part of the U.K. then, but it seems strange to say it originated

You’re cool with me. I own ‘87 and ‘89 K derivatives and an ‘04 Neon SRT-4. :)

I’m unclear if the first is open yet, but there are supposed be two locations there by the end of next month. 

Carbondale, IL is an option even further south than those by more than an hour.

I scavenged the parts and added factory Neon cruise to my SRT-4. None of them came with it, but almost all the programming to support it is still in the engine controller. Just a minor amount of fabrication to hook it all up. The only thing that doesn’t work is the “coast” feature, which isn’t very useful anyway.

Some of the newer cruise systems are much better at that kind of thing. Including downshifting to slow down on the downhill side, which really surprised me the first time my car did it.

The price is too high for this, but it looks like it could make a good stroganoff.