
My thoughts exactly before opening the article :)

Piracy? Bah! At a bargain price of 100DKK/17USD I found it mildly entertaining (PS3), but at full price (450DKK/82USD) I really cannot recommend it. And that's probably why it didn't sell.

I am a DANISH freelance video game reviewer. My English writing is sorely lacking unless I get to pore over each sentence a good few times - not likely for commenting, or I'd be two days late with each post :)

Why do you think it a good idea to give a product a low rating because of a douchebag PR guy? In my world, you review items based on the basic functionality. Maybe it's just me, but if you want to get back at morons in the industry, do something like what Penny Arcade did. The other way is stupid, as people will

I have no opinion abuth the guy reverse engineering the portal, so this goes out to the comments about the concept in itself:

Dude!? Did you just spoil the ending?

I'm with you on this one. I like all kinds of games - artsy as well as actiony - but Heavy Rain was flawed. Making a Move edition didn't help matters, as I felt even less in control of the actors than before. And the ending cements the whole thing, leaving me with a sour taste in my mouth. I can endure a lot for the

How is this funny? I am a father, and I really cannot see the fun thing in laughing at a kid like this? Kotaku should be above this kind of "news".

And it wasn't even witty. Only true :)

I played the demo and enjoyed it, thinking - as did a few friends - that it presented good value for money (free). Getting the full game and beating it completely in 25 hours only confirmed my opinion. I was thoroughly enjoyed, and the pick-up-and-play-for-a-few-minutes gameplay is superb for a busy family man as

Pressing the objects rotates them clockwise 45 degrees a pop. And that's pretty much obligatory if you want to progress further from that level, Mr. Totilo ;)