Hatless Suspect v3.0s

This is why pitchers should bat in both leagues. Maybe Dempster would still be a tough guy, maybe he'd decide he didn't want to get drilled. But he just made a unilateral decision to get one of his own guys bruised up as well. Wouldn't striking out A-Rod have been a better move.

This would be a good time to mention that it still took him four tries to hit a target larger than the strike zone.

I almost hate you for making me come to Kotaku. ;)

I'd figured the conversations at Deadspin HQ mostly revolved around how soon you had to wait until you could fuck with the page design again.

Their original rendering didn't go over great:

Here's a rendering of the new Grandstand, with Arthur Ashe in the background

Great. As if there weren't enough heels in professional wrestling already.


Just like the Braves, it was the fall that killed him.

this follows more than a dozen raids on his fridge in the past month.

Pictured: The first four victims in happier times.

[head explodes]

Not overhauling comment sections > Tebow > Overhauling comment sections

Anna was originally charged with a hit, but it was later ruled an error.

Wow. Asian insults from a guy driving an Asian car. The ignorance is strong on this one.

Also, I don't think this guy was on drugs or was drunk. This, I think, is just a normal, angry LA driver. They tend to have zero patience and are just fucking douches in general.

But thanks to this video, I believe I can explain

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'm just a caveman... Your world frightens and confuses me. When I see your self-propelling autocars, sometimes I just want to throw spears at them. I'm more at home hunting the woolly mammoth than I am hunting a good interior decorator. And when I see a solar eclipse, like the one I
