This art style has me feeling...conflicted.
This art style has me feeling...conflicted.
HELL YEAH THUMPER. Surprised it wasn’t on this list. I can’t tell if I’m more excited or more terrified of playing it. I mean seriously LOOK AT THIS SHIT. I can’t survive this:
Track: Urlo Negro | Artist: Mike Patton | Album: Mondo Cane
The only way I will use this char face is when they add in a mod that subs in every drop of music in the game to Johnny Cash tunes.
I dunno, they seem a little stiff...
AC’s got nothing on good ol’ Yakuza
Hey Evan, I want to take a moment to thank you for these articles. I don’t read comics anymore (time, time, never enough time), but God help me if you don’t make me want to get back into them.
Wow that tournament video is gold.
“It’s like...I can feel that in my own crotch”
I’m sure Boon is pleased. I would have never guessed Libby rocking house like that though. She was way ahead of the others.
I’m so disappointed I didn’t get to see any reactions to Quan Chi’s “make you eat my sword” one. That’s the one that got me the first time I saw it.
These gritty, white, dark-haired, stubble-bearded protagonists are REALLY starting to just mesh into one “generic dude” for me. C’mon guys. New ideas.
So his final smash makes people’s heads explode?
Nope, it's much better with the MK song.
They really are being dicks about this :(
Fixed that for ya, Luke.
Hitman: Blood Money is the best one for mine.
Why, CGI, WHY!?
Bayonetta 2 North American Release date, Bayonetta in smash.
For the true 90s kids.
...Why not the 3DS as well? ....Why?