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    So this wasn’t actually a April fools day joke?

    That right there is one good use for google glass. Like the only

    For I stood and i watched at the gates of hell, as the cries of children drowned out all else. For I stood and i watched as the rivers of motherly tears drown all that was good. For i stood and i watched as a endless battle was fought, a battle which time itself had failed to stop, at the gates of hell.

    The keynote is over so the announcements of new feature is over.

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    From a legal standpoint once you have a trademark you have to defend it to be able to keep it. Here is an example best summed up by john green

    On what grounds?

    Yes it does many have. Read the second half of the definition of terrorist

    Systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. It has been used throughout history by political organizations of both the left and the right, by nationalist and ethnic groups, and by revolutionaries. Although usually thought

    They did already.

    True and the man in charge had a moral compass

    This circle is not in the center

    It should be worth the government losing the right to try him in the first place.

    I wonder how long it will take them to bring it back. I also predict a lawsuit over this.

    There goes my only incentive to buy one. Back to waiting for a real apple Tv

    I need one of those its awesome. And awesome you must really like them (I do to).

    I have to ask and i mean this in the most neutral of ways, do you work for google or have any affiliation with them?

    But they own NBC so they are a content business

    were does it say it has a built in battery i'm yet to find proof of that

    But you have to admit its the only option cable companies have. I was not meaning that they would reply just to this product but all of the similar devices helping people to cut cable television.