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    god i love the gif also google knows it doesn't have the showman ship it take look at the stunt they did that apple would have never done

    theses are going to be really good but also take some time to do i better get started

    i still agree with you be the only comparison i was try to make is that the first iphone was great at the time it came out but compared to the iphone 4s (or iphone 5 rumors if you will) it wasn't a whole lot and thats how i feel the glasses will be they as best they can be when they come out but over time will get a

    i agree that the stunt is stupid but i still think that if they take the next year and a half and put everything they can into it and take the 4 developers who have bought them advice then they can be just as good as the first iphone was when it was released and that has only gotten better over time

    ill have to try this some time i like the look it gives the photos

    im surprised apple pushed it though

    totally i cant wait to see what the speed test will be like the only other thing they need to releases is the update to google earth and a google maps

    i cant wait until 2014 when gizmodo is calling these glasses the best innovation in tech thats why im downloading all the articles to rub in gizs face

    It is way over-engineered. They need to get rid of the power amp, the mechanical volume control, and all but one LED. It needs to be sub $100 to make sense. It should just be a hub for your smartphone, tablet, pc and it NEEDS push services. All this downloading from the cloud crap is nonsense.

    ill take 3


    agreed if they want to make the thing look like up make it more colorful

    the only reason i would want them would be a go pro replacement (yes i know the quality is not as good ) and to just have them