
Just curious, were any of your Ethiopian or Eritrean friends less than drop-dead-gorgeous? I’ve started to suspect the entire region is like wall-to-wall supermodels. Not jealous or anything. Who needs cheekbones anyway?


Yes, that’s what I kept thinking. I know nothing about her except the tiny bit I’ve read concerning the lupus and transplant, but (fellow lupie) I’ve found some apects of the trajectory really hard to believe.

For me the off-note wasn’t the bare-bones practicality of the weapon (I agree with you — why not?) as the somewhat forced sense of mystery about it. Somehow the scene just felt a bit clumsy.

right? tons of people need to avoid sun.

“we had to destroy the village to save it.”

25 years of lupus, honey. :) i was a creaky old lady at 21. but at least i’m still here. as are you, super-amazing warrior that you are! i hope your health improves. or if that’s too much to ask, that it at least refrains from giving you even more crap.

the number one function of the human breast is to nourish the next generation — “the only really majestic choice we get to make in this life, which is to continue it.” i'm 42, have fantastic tits, and would gladly swap them for the state of motherhood.

you do not have an appalling body. i don’t care if you suffer from multi-drug-resistant lepromatous leprosy, your body is awesome and badass and beautiful in its own way.

You poor darling!

I’m sure it’s fine! Lots of people here in the States eat muesli too, but granola is much more popular. Muesli did enjoy a brief vogue in the late ‘80s (yes, I totally remember that far back, WITH EASE), but it just didn’t catch on somehow.

Ha! Right back atcha!

Yes, I do make my own dough. Yeast is so fun! I get the lamb freshly ground from a local butcher because a) I find quite lean lamb makes the best filling, and b) we are very lucky to have a wonderful butcher nearby who sells local, pastured meats.

Do you eat meat? I’ve found that the secret to ridiculously delicious sfeeha (lamb pies) is a TON of sumac. So. Freaking. Good. And I don’t normally even like meat very much.

What a great idea! Sumac = utter deliciousness.

It’s super weird how many people — smart people, people who can count and stuff — don’t get the quantity factor.

So true.

The PROSECUTION of the TSA agents, plus a few mil. Those assholes shouldn’t just lose their jobs. They should suffer some real consequences.

I’m sorry. That sucks. I hope you have a safe and peaceful journey!
