
I’m sure you’re right, but — I guess I’m actually prepared to be patient with her not understanding what words mean. Some people just can’t help being dumber than a sack of turnips. What I really object to is her self-centered whining. Can’t find any excuse for that.

~~~ »**°> ////

I want to punch that asshole right in the face. Moron. Cats eat meat. Jesus.

Neither trivial nor useless! Thanks!


Really? I never knew that! Thanks!

Oh, cool! Thanks!

Dear Anti-vax Parents,

Weren’t British sailors the ones who DIDN’T get scurvy? Because they ate lemons, also known as limes, hence the sobriquet?

When combined with chocolate it’s OK. Still not great.

For fuck’s sake.

Sorry, that was supposed to be fabric care, not diabetic care.

1) container/small-scale gardening


Sounds like you have a smart, independent kid there. You’re going to have your hands full! :)

And if you haven’t yet had the pleasure —

Sure, I understood your point. I thought it a very good one. Not just good; important. I’m just not 100% in agreement, as it applies to this particular case.

Gosh, thanks! :)

I don’t agree. That is, I think all the points you make are entirely valid, but I don’t really see them applying to this particular case. The chest scars left by open heart surgery seem different to me — and well outside the special snowflake range.

Fair point. I’m not the parent of any child (sadly!), so I am least equipped to get it.