
I’m so sorry.

By all accounts rabies is pretty bad too. And it usually takes longer. Rabid fauna of California, please consider taking this asshole with you!

Yeah, that’s pretty different.

Thank you!

I’ve heard that complaint again and again — removing Sansa’s perspective clearly pushes the scene in absolutely the wrong direction for a lot of viewers. It didn’t have that effect on me, but I can certainly understand why a lot of the audience just felt it was really the wrong choice.

I have heard that line of argument elsewhere as well, so I think you’re right that “brutality fatigue” has affected audience size/loyalty.

Haha! I know! Why? Why?

Why do we believe that shit?

Hearing you.

That must have been awful. And while waiting tables too — one of the most demanding jobs in the known universe!

Ha! Complete Blood Count.

Yes. But it should be possible to put together some sort of metric, right? Not a single number, like BMI, but a range of values, like the results of a chem20 + CBC. Something that would give a reasonable indication of the health of the person as far as weight is concerned.

Never thought of that! I bet you’re right.



I’m amazed/so sorry you feel upset! I didn’t get that tone from Ladyology’s posts at all. (And I certainly don’t eat the way she does — I’d totally join you for that croissant.)

Would you please stop being so aggressive? Who needs this kind of hostility? You’re being a jerk.

Artichoke tapenade = double heaven.

Yep, I’ve tried that. Doesn’t work for me. Somehow, for me, tilapia is actively unpleasant unless I put it in a very spicy curry. Or I’ve sometimes had luck steaming it and then serving it with a black bean sauce.