
Can’t it offend you as both? Not like the Nazis were any nicer to gays . . .

You never know, you might meet him someday! (My personal fantasy — besides the obvious one where I’m Michelle — is that I get to teach him some Chinese poems. But I’d settle for giving him an apricot.)

Hey, can you blame them?

Well spotted!

Yep, this is just what I was worried about as well.

But they do overlap significantly.

Exactly what I was concerned about.

“Let us be first honest, then kind, and then let us never forget one another!”

Or health problems may make marital sex problematic, so the couple may have agreed on an open-door policy.

I’ve always thought it seemed very courageous. Being so close to strangers? That’s got to be terrifying. At times, anyway.

Sara is my new girl crush.

Exactly! It PASSETH understanding.

For fuck’s sake. If English were not her native language, I’d be fine with her making all the fritters she wanted. But I’d be willing to bet she doesn’t speak any other languages at all.


And very bad punctuation.

I don’t really believe in punishment, myself. I don’t believe it’s possible to punish appropriately most of the time. But I don’t believe in reform either. That is, I don’t believe it is often possible. So I have no idea what to do.

Here’s how deep this sh it goes. I KNOW it’s wrong to blame the victim. I KNOW it’s not her fault. But in the back of my mind there’s this little voice saying, “well, she did go off with him, she did kiss him, what was she thinking?” I guess I absorbed this “boys will be boys” perspective growing up? Certainly when I

I live with the Harvard fuckers. I THINK this does mean his admission will be rescinded, though I couldn’t swear to it. I don’t know about Wall Street. My brother does, though, and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t like his answer.

Seems like maybe the people you should doubt are the members of the jury. Of course, they could be right. Maybe it wasn’t rape. But I think they’re wrong. I think it was rape. A lot of people seem to share this view.

Find a cat. Got a cat? A video of a cat? Ok, now think of ten awesome things. Breathe. It’s beyond shitty, but you’re going to handle it. You just need a little break. Preferably with a cat, or some chocolate, or whatever you usually use to trick yourself into carrying on.