
How does evolution work?

Perhaps it’s not the best way to pass on your DNA, but it’s just the ticket for acquiring foreign languages. If one person doesn’t want to talk to you, no worries, here comes another one who might. Hyperpolyglot = person without fear of rejection.

I thought you expressed yourself with perfect clarity. I also got the impression that “calm” was spoiling for a fight.

Yeah, no idea, but even if it is related to a biologically stronger sex drive (?), I still think that’s only part of the issue. I think men also tend to see women as nurturing (after all, that’s literally true, “nutrix” = “wet nurse”), and it’s natural and human to crave that kind of warmth at times. Women can provide

Yes, I agree. Ultimately, people of both sexes need to be persuaded that it’s OK for them to define themselves. Society’s toxic expectations must not be allowed to ruin people’s sense of self-worth.

So true, it’s really a collective problem, whatever your gender.

Oh, honey (meant in a totally non-creepy, big-sister type way, except I’m too old to be your big sister, so maybe more in an auntie-type way), I am SO sorry you are going through this. There is just way too much pain in the world. You shouldn’t have to suffer this kind of loneliness and despair.

That’s how you know it’s “cleansing.”

I really want to give this 467 stars but kinja won’t let me.

Sounds fascinating! Sort of social epidemiology meets clinical psychology? It kind of reminds me of a course I took as an undergrad, called (if I remember correctly) “Culture, Illness and Healing.” I didn’t love the course (wasnt wild about the professor), but we did get some very cool guest speakers. Including Paul

Good for you! What’s your dissertation on? I know it’s on psychopathy, which I can’t even pronounce with confidence, but, more specifically, what is it about? (Yes, I do have a bizarre interest in random people’s dissertations. It’s a little worrying.)

Oh, honey, no it doesn’t. It implies that they are stupid. #sicksmartsassy

I’m so sorry. That sounds like a truly excruciating experience.

Oh yeah.

Lots of people think they know things they really don’t understand at all. Actually, I’d say most of us fall into that trap some of the time. It’s always frustrating for the specialist. That’s just one of the hazards of cyberspace. Good luck with your studies.

Congratulations to your badass, cancer-beating friend! Fuck Apple Juice Guy.

I kinda wish you had punched her. Oh, wait, you did! In my reality, you punched her in the neck and she fell to her knees and begged your forgiveness. Also in my reality: Belle Gibson is bitten by a rabid dingo.

Congratulations to your survivor Mum/Dad! Don’t worry about this pathetic excuse for a person. She’s not worth your time.

Who are the “people against Constitutional self-defense?” What do they call themselves?

Yes, that’s rude as well. And astonishingly ignorant. Sympathy isn’t useless. Your comment about enabling wasn’t useful.