
We bought a relatively low-mileage 2017 leaf in early 2021 and it’s been a great car. It has about 70000 kms on it now and in the summer we can get 160km of range (drops to about 120km in our Canadian winter). Absolutely no regrets.

In Ontario, Canada those are called “top cuts”, and they are the only correct choice for hot dog buns :)

Definitely people driving with their dogs on their laps.  What a mind-blowingly dangerous thing to do for both the people in the car and the dog.

If I don’t see one of these painted in Jurassic Park livery, I will be very upset.

My wife and I have been ordering from Goodfood (Canadian equivalent) for over a year and love it. We get 4 meals a week and would have a hard time switching back to regular grocery shopping at this point. There are a few things it enables for us: it generally makes enough for both of us for supper, plus one lunch

Worst thing I have seen by far: My buddy and I were moving my girlfriend out of her college apartment. There was a half full bottle of grenadine in one of the boxes that somehow opened during the trip. Needless to say, the backseat was a (very sticky) murder scene by the time we noticed what had happened.

Now playing

No love for the end of the original plants vs zombies? Very much in the same vein as the end of Portal.

Neil Gaiman has been saying on Twitter that Amazon Prime holds all worldwide streaming rights outside of the continental US

Except for the Honda and Toyota plants which are cranking out cars as fast as they can...?

I have been fortunate to work with two people at my current position who have become mentors for me. In both cases, they fell into my lap as I was a staff member supporting courses they were teaching (I work at a University). I met both of them in my first year on the job and have worked extensively with them for more

No mention of Capote and Infamous? Granted, they didn’t come out in the same calendar year, but their release dates were less than a year apart.

I just saw one of these at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON. Their’s was in bloom during the first few days of June. Very cool plant.

I just read The Jedi Doth Return last night. I love these books. Not sure why I waited so long to finish the series. I was also really glad of the author's note at the back as I didn't notice the Ewoks were actually saying things, I figured it was just jibberish and skimmed over it. Going back and reading it all,

Oh man.. this takes me back. All I can think of is a game called Atmosphere from when I was a kid. There was a VHS tape that came with it that had some impact on gameplay... I honestly don't remember how that worked anymore.

I was driving next to that yellow Cat powered hot rod thing. That picture doesn't do it justice... it was HUUUGGEEE and awesome and it was from Florida I think? If he drove that up, I am really impressed.

Yep... that did it. The other ones failed for me.

I am also finally getting around to reading A Song of Ice and Fire. I finished Game of Thrones two days ago and have started the second one.

I just finished Prepare to Die! and before that, The Long War. I really enjoyed both. Not sure what is next, Silmarillon perhaps?