
Can confirm. I was propelled forward off my gixxer at +60mph, when I hit the ground and started to roll I kept thinking about how the asphalt is going to scratch my nice, new, carbon fiber helmet. Then I started to think about timing the rolling so I can stop myself with my arms to avoid further damage to my helmet. I

For me it was “This is an awfully long time to be airborne. Landing is going to hurt. Is this cloud of plastic my bike? I wonder if this is the last moment I’ll be able to feel my legs... I hope I don’t go head first into that VW. Oh, there goes the rest of my bike.... Oooh, coming in for a landing now... Thank God

Do it and ask for forgiveness.

Model A, T...etc.

I know man ... can’t lose any value on that corolla

PSA: Don’t use automated car washes. For any car.

I learned this trick from a college GF. We were going to one of those all you can eat Brazilian steakhouses for my birthday when she essentially ordered me to strip “for an early dessert.”

Baby wipes.

“calling for help probably only made Kobe madder.”

It’s a TVR. It’s basically one big rolling electric fault.

Come see my band The Hemorrhaging Clicks this weekend at the Bottleneck. We’re kind punk mixed with Billy Joel.

Pretty sure that no one was on your lawn, sir.

Well, considering my wife’s reaction anytime I begin talking about cars, and her desire to own the most boring, and reliable forms of transportation on earth.. My vote is for calling them all Samantha.

Ugh, don't get the 4 cylinder one, those were so slow.

how do places like mexico, brazil, and other latin/south american countries compare?


You know, when I’m in my cage and I see somebody on a sportbike hauling ass up to me about to pass me, despite the fact lanesplitting is illegal where I live, and it still annoys me they are driving like a douche, I don’t try to block them or start trouble like an asshole. Why is this so hard for people? What part of

Obviously the plane is 100% at fault, because pedestrians always have right of way.

why did they have to catch it?

Again, that appears to be a problem with the steering gear, not the suspension (and seeing as the vid title mentions tie rod failure, that confirms it). GM's steering linkages are supposedly not the best (when a truck is modded, like with a lift), but that is no reason to condemn the suspension design.